搜尋:cover 在 書畫 分類當中


宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

landscape painting of the Sung dynasty, there is the tendency not to cover the entire painting with colors.....more

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

landscape painting of the Sung dynasty, there is the tendency not to cover the entire painting with colors.....more

明呂紀雪岸雙鴻 軸

明呂紀雪岸雙鴻 軸

and the feeling of vitality weak. Also, the use of mist to cover up scenery that should be depicted.....more

宋人長生法會圖 軸

宋人長生法會圖 軸

of the Western Paradise in Buddhism. Clouds lightly cover a pagoda and trees as bodhisattvas.....more

海錯圖第四冊 冊

海錯圖第四冊 冊

, but the cover is labeled “Album Four ”, indicating that several originally existed. The term “sea.....more

海怪圖記 冊

海怪圖記 冊

as if they are imaginative constructions that require further research. The wooden cover of the album is engraved.....more

民國王震蘆舟 冊頁

民國王震蘆舟 冊頁

cover of dense reeds. The skiff and islet by the reeds are all done in a mature and hoary manner.....more

明朱侃畫童貞像 軸

明朱侃畫童貞像 軸

reverently holds a sūtra (Buddhist canon) in a blue cover. White clouds float all around. The colors.....more

明林廣春山圖 軸

明林廣春山圖 軸

Tsai. He developed an elegant and vigorous style. Spring blossoms cover the valley. Deep.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清楊大璧雲壑奔泉

藝林清賞 冊 清楊大璧雲壑奔泉

in a Cloudy Valley Yang Ta-pi (ca. mid-19th century?) Ch’ing Dynasty Forests cover layer after layer.....more

宋人松亭撫琴 軸

宋人松亭撫琴 軸

人物,筆墨較野放,而少宋人精謹內斂,應是據宋本而出於明朝。本幅無名款。&*In this large hanging scroll, blue and green cover the entire.....more

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 登高

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 登高

the ninth day of the ninth lunar month by climbing to the top of a high mountain. Maple forests cover azure.....more

清董邦達斷橋殘雪御題 軸

清董邦達斷橋殘雪御題 軸

Chiao (literally "separation bridge"). When the last remnants of winter snow still cover the earth.....more

明崔子忠桐陰博古圖 軸

明崔子忠桐陰博古圖 軸

and Ts’ui of the North.” Under the luxuriant cover of the wu’t’ung trees, a number of scholars examine.....more

明文徵明倣古山水 軸

明文徵明倣古山水 軸

in the artistic community of Suchou. Trees cover the banks of a stream while a scholar enjoys.....more

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