搜尋:court 在 書畫 分類當中


宋高宗賜岳飛手敕 卷

宋高宗賜岳飛手敕 卷

consequently had an enormous impact on the practice of calligraphy at the Southern Song court.....more

宋朱熹尺牘 冊

宋朱熹尺牘 冊

Ningzong assuming the throne in the seventh month, Zhu had the opportunity to teach at court.....more

清鄒一桂畫金英秋實 軸

清鄒一桂畫金英秋實 軸

of flowers using clear colors. He became a famous court painter of flowers in the early Ch’ing.....more

清沈宗敬雙松圖 軸

清沈宗敬雙松圖 軸

Academy Compiler, later serving up to the post of Court Chamberlain of the Imperial Stud.....more

宋陳居中蘇李別意圖 卷

宋陳居中蘇李別意圖 卷

as an envoy by the Han court to the Xiongnu nomads but held as a captive. Remaining faithful to the Han.....more

董邦達柳浪聞鶯御題 軸

董邦達柳浪聞鶯御題 軸

and a high official at court. In painting, he followed the style of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang, achieving.....more

明宣宗坐像(一) 軸

明宣宗坐像(一) 軸

at the Ming court.(20120407)&*明宣徳帝(1399-1435)、姓は朱、名は瞻基。明成祖の最年長の孫、明朝第5代皇帝、在位期間は1426-1435、年号は宣徳、廟号は宣宗、絵画を得意とした.....more

清郎世寧畫魚藻 軸

清郎世寧畫魚藻 軸

at the age of twenty-seven and served in the court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor as a painter in residence.....more

清蔣廷錫畫歲朝圖 軸

清蔣廷錫畫歲朝圖 軸

of the Forbidden City, so few examples were done outside the court. Of the extant works by Chiang T’ing.....more

明人百祿圖 卷

明人百祿圖 卷

and good luck. This work is unsigned, but the subject and style suggest the hand of a court painter.....more

清郎世寧雲錦呈才 軸

清郎世寧雲錦呈才 軸

in 1715. His artistic skills came to the attention of the emperor, and he served in the inner court.....more

宋人畫達摩像 軸

宋人畫達摩像 軸

commanded his presence at the imperial court, then at the city of Nanking, and asked him to lecture.....more

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

宋人畫新韶花鳥 軸

Tang court that was hung in palaces. Here, however, the method of the rocks, flowers, and plants.....more

清姚文瀚畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

清姚文瀚畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

in the Inner Court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1796). This painting represents the central.....more

清姚文瀚畫第一阿迎阿機達尊者 軸

清姚文瀚畫第一阿迎阿機達尊者 ...

Court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor (r.1736-1796) Angaja is the first of the lohans according.....more


court 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋