搜尋:cool 在 書畫 分類當中


元人畫天中華瑞 軸

元人畫天中華瑞 軸

of "double outlines" filled with color. The lines are vibrant and flowing, and the cool blue-green.....more

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

. The cool ambience of the two willows swaying elegantly on the embankment, seen against the backdrop.....more

清鄒一桂畫芙蓉 軸

清鄒一桂畫芙蓉 軸

them a lovely and fresh touch as if wearing makeup. Among the leaves are reeds, suggesting the cool.....more

明王式天閑十二圖 卷

明王式天閑十二圖 卷

their horses. The horses linger in the cool, cleansing waters of a mountain stream. In this painting.....more

明錢穀洗桐圖 軸

明錢穀洗桐圖 軸

with a feather fan, presumably ready to cool him in the summer heat. The brushwork is most dense.....more

明孫枝畫杜甫詩意 軸

明孫枝畫杜甫詩意 軸

and the thatched hut is cool. Watching the fish with amusement as the boat drifts all day, Where can an old.....more

明宋旭清吟消夏圖 軸

明宋旭清吟消夏圖 軸

of a countryside scene on a cool summer evening. 本幅 101.9x50.5公分、全幅 71公分 明神宗萬曆十年(1582) 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 宋旭 數位化執行單位:國立故.....more

明戴進牧牛圖 軸

明戴進牧牛圖 軸

waving in the breeze, a cool feeling suffuses the painting. A young cowherd, with a magpie in his hand.....more

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

, the leaves and stems of both bending diagonally, as if being blown by a cool wind into the enclosure.....more

明仇英長夏江村圖 卷

明仇英長夏江村圖 卷

in conversation, and lean on a daybed to cool off. The other figures include scenes of fishermen.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋劉松年柳橋虛榭

集古名繪 冊 宋劉松年柳橋虛榭

master. Towering willows shade the cool pavilion on the bridge which leads to a peaceful, quiet.....more

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

and sky suggest dusk, and the cool of mountain woods pervades the scene. Chao Meng-fu, a scion.....more

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

元趙孟頫畫淵明歸去來辭 卷

and sky suggest dusk, and the cool of mountain woods pervades the scene. Chao Meng-fu, a scion.....more

明文伯仁五月江深圖 軸

明文伯仁五月江深圖 軸

, “In the panorama of summer, the grasses and pavilions are cool.” Modeled.....more

宋人宮沼納涼圖 軸

宋人宮沼納涼圖 軸

帶扥泥,誇張變形,較似明代風格。&*In this painting, a court lady and her servants are enjoying the cool air.....more

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cool 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋