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共找到 63 筆符合的資料
五代南唐顧閎中畫韓熙載夜宴圖 ...
at the court of the Southern T'ang (937-975). He was a contemporary of the famous figure painter, Chou.....more
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明崔子忠雲林洗桐圖 軸
rivals that of his contemporary, Ch’en Hung-shou (1598-1652). A flourishing Wu-t’ung (firmiania.....more
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五代南唐巨然松巖蕭寺 卷
of K'ai-feng. Chü-jan was a skilled landscapist who took the style of his elder contemporary Tung.....more
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宋元墨寶 冊 元張雨書五言律詩
manner was similar to that of his contemporary, Yang Wei-chen. Traveling throughout Kiangnan after.....more
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清王翬瀟湘聽雨圖 軸
both ancient and contemporary styles and to fuse elements from the Northern and Southern schools.....more
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唐宋元明集繪 冊 宋馬遠山水人...
, he was able to establish his own style. He and his contemporary Hsia Kuei were later collectively.....more
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清王翬畫水村春曉 軸
was thus able to absorb both ancient and contemporary techniques and combine the styles.....more
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清黃鼎溪橋林影圖 軸
the works by the ancient and contemporary masters so that he could paint with various methods, while Huang.....more
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元胡廷暉蓬萊仙會圖 軸
was an accomplished painter of landscape, much appreciated by his great contemporary Chao Meng-fu.....more
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