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名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 清顧見龍...
在,並任職內廷畫院當祇侯。工畫人物故事,又善於臨摹古蹟,幾可亂眞。他的花鳥畫雖非專長,但偶而游戱之作,筆情墨趣,草草見意,自有種瀟洒的情態。&* Ku Chien-lung (tzu Yün.....more
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入,幽遠有緻。畫成於1939年。林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Y? Chien-hua, named K’un and style name Y?-y?, was a native of Tsinan.....more
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清黃應諶陋室銘圖 軸
as Chien-an. He excelled in painting figures, ghosts and children. Huang entered the Painting Academy.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋惠崇秋渚文禽
was a native of chien-yang, Fukien, or from Hui-nan according to another account. Equally well-known.....more
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清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸
) Ch’ing Dynasty The brother of Chang Jo-ai, Chang Jo-ch’eng (style name Ching-chien, Ching-pi.....more
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明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光
, but he was the son of Chou Szu-chien,a famous landscape painter active during the Chia-ching period.....more
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民國溥儒玉堂富貴 軸
an outstanding style, achieving fame equal to Chang Dai-chien, hence the expression “Chang of the South.....more
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明陶成菊花雙兔圖 軸
and in 1471 he passed a civil service examination and was made a hsiang-chien (second degree graduate.....more
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明文徵明書七言律詩 軸
Hsien-chih. For Wen's large characters, he drew on the style of Huang T'ing-chien, developing.....more
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清王翬倣沈周古松圖 軸
* A native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu province, Wang Hui was already a capable painter when he met Wang Chien.....more
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