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共找到 245 筆符合的資料
宋賢書翰 冊 宋蔡襄致彥猷尺牘
,宋四大家中,蔡襄學顏最神形俱似,但是氣骨稍嫌不足。 本幅為「宋賢書翰」冊一。&*Ts'ai Hsiang was a native of Fukien and a chin-shih degree.....more
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是字的本身,而是年過八十,腕力還能用,陸放翁云:『老子尚堪絕大漠』,不妨以之解嘲。」本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。&* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien.....more
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清周鯤升平萬國圖 卷
。&*Chou K’un, tzu (style name) T’ien-ch’ih, was a native of Ch’ang-su, Chiang-su province. He.....more
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清湯貽汾冰心僊品 卷
and Remoteness T’ang I-fen (1778-1853) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang I-fen (style name Jo-i, late sobriquet Chou-weng.....more
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明太祖坐像(七) 軸
帝王 傢俱(屏風) 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁32-33 &*Emperor T’ai-tsu (reigned 1368-1398) was the founder.....more
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清艾啟蒙畫寶吉騮圖 軸
馴良,因錫之名」,乾隆癸巳(一七七三)艾啟蒙另有寶吉騮之作,故本幅成畫年代亦當在癸巳左右。 &* Ignace Sichelbart, who took the Chinese name Ai Ch.....more
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名畫薈珍 冊 明仇英柳塘春水
particularly fine brushwork. Ch’iu Ying (ca. 1494-1552), one of the "Four Masters of the Ming Dynasty.....more
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元人翰墨 冊 元柯九思書陸浚之...
授學士院鑒書博士。博學能詩文。工書。並善墨林。亦擅山水。九思書仿唐歐陽詢父子。力求勁拔。本幅具此特點。&*K'o Chiu-ssu was a native of T'ai-chou.....more
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明尤求西園雅集圖 軸
of Ch'ang-chou (present-day Soochow, Kiangsu), later moved to T'ai-ts'ang, Kiangsu. He excelled.....more
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明文徵明仇英合摹李公麟蓮社圖 ...
-lin’s Lotus Society Collaborative work by Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) and Ch’iu Ying (ca. 1494-1552.....more
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清張廷彥畫登瀛洲圖 軸
the Biography of Ch’u Liang. In 621 Emperor T’ai-tsung, built the Wen-hsüeh Hall (Hall.....more
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清王原祁仿宋元人山水 冊
-ch’i, tzu (style name) Mao-ching and hao (sobriquet) Lu-t’ai, a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu.....more
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