搜尋:H? 在 書畫 分類當中


清馮寧二仙圖 軸

清馮寧二仙圖 軸

that he served at the court as a painter during the reign of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) and specialized.....more

宋仁宗后坐像 軸

宋仁宗后坐像 軸

of the Nan-hsün Hall at the Ch'ing dynasty court. The lifelike rendering of both the likeness.....more

清石濤自寫種松圖小照 卷

清石濤自寫種松圖小照 卷

of the Ming dynasty imperial family. Sometime after the fall of the Ming in 1644, he became a monk.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明李士達山林人物 

明人畫扇 冊 明李士達山林人物...

(sobriquet Yang-kuai) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. After he received his chin-shih civil service.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明李流芳秋林晚景

明人畫扇 冊 明李流芳秋林晚景

a native of She-hsien in Anhwei, he later moved to Chia-ting, where he, T’ang Shih-sheng, Lou Chien.....more

宋四家真蹟 冊 宋米芾書論書

宋四家真蹟 冊 宋米芾書論書

as an official in the Northern Sung. As a skilled calligrapher, painter, and connoisseur, he.....more

宋朱熹易繫辭 冊

宋朱熹易繫辭 冊

were Hui-an, Yün-ku lao-jen and Ts'ang-chou ping-sou. He was later known.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖赤花鷹 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖赤花鷹 軸

Castiglione) was a native of Milan, Italy. At 19, he became a novitiate in the Jesuit order and studied.....more

元人臨漢晉各帖 冊 俞和臨張芝書

元人臨漢晉各帖 冊 俞和臨張芝...

,轉折有楷書的意味,結體圓扁,表現出章草書古拙的趣味。本幅選自「元人臨漢晉各帖」冊第九幅。&*Yu Ho, who resided in Hangchow, was taught.....more

清唐岱孫祜等繪慶豐圖 軸

清唐岱孫祜等繪慶豐圖 軸

County, Kiangsu). After proclaiming himself emperor, he settled in Ch’ang-an. His father, however.....more

清沈荃書周元公太極圖說 軸

清沈荃書周元公太極圖說 軸

calligraphy, he was called to court, where he even discussed new and old styles with the emperor.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿圖紅玉座 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖紅玉座 軸

of Giuseppe Castiglione, an Italian who became a Jesuit novitiate at the age of 19. At 27, he arrived.....more

清丁觀鵬墨妙珠林(戌) 冊

清丁觀鵬墨妙珠林(戌) 冊

Emperor, he was promoted to "Painter of the First Rank." He learned painting from Giuseppe Castiglione.....more

清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子)  冊

清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子)  冊

Luting) was a native of Changshu, Jiangsu. He was the pupil of Jiang Tingxi and excelled at bird.....more

清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子)  冊 穀雨一候牡丹

清余省畫墨妙珠林 (子)  冊 穀...

to 1757. He excelled at depicting such subjects as landscapes, birds and flowers, insects and fish.....more


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