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共找到 1435 筆符合的資料
名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水
at the Tung-ch’an Temple. He organized a poets’ association with Hui Shih-ch’i and Chang Ta-shou.....more
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, Shantung province. He studied painting under Ch’en Shih-tseng, excelling in landscapes and also being.....more
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民國齊白石篆書五言聯 軸
吸取周、秦、兩漢精華,得力於「三公山碑」及「天發神讖碑」。是幅下筆穩健蒼勁,極其老辣,應為晚年之作。 本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &* Ch’i Pai-shih, a native of Hunan.....more
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清曾國荃楷書七言聯 軸
appearance and fluid force. Mr. Ch’en Kuei-ch’ing donated this work to the National Palace Museum.....more
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文氏畫扇集冊 冊 明文徵明墨蘭...
Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) Ming Dynasty Wen Cheng-ming was a native of Ch’ang-chou in Kiangsu.....more
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民國吳青霞仕女 冊頁
,倚坐於矮牆墩上賞花,狀甚悠閒。牆外柳葉垂曳,搖曳生姿。柳幹間一株矮樹,紅花點點。根據作者題款,可知此幅作於民國二十三年(西元一九三四年)。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &*Lady Wu Ch.....more
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元陳貞白雲山房圖 軸
筆繫密,畫法可能是學自王蒙,但意境間卻富有米家意味。&*It is not known exactly when Ch'en Chen lived, but it was sometime.....more
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清黃應諶陋室銘圖 軸
、峰巒、屋宇、流泉,無不布置妥帖。人物仍有明院派習氣。 &*A Humble Abode Huang Ying-shen (fl. 17th century) Ch’ing Dynasty Huang.....more
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清門應兆補繪蕭雲從離騷圖上冊 ...
Banner” division. During Ch’ien-lung’s reign (1736-1795), he became a government official.....more
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明吳圻緙絲沈周蟠桃仙 軸
畫的神韻,尤其以人物表情最為傳神。上方詩文,書法遒勁,氣勢雄壯,深得書法的精神。全幅極細微處,都以緙織製作。 &* Wu Ch’i, style name Shang-chung.....more
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清董邦達江關行旅 軸
followed that of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang, achieving the clarity and elegance of Yüan artists.....more
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