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共找到 110 筆符合的資料
元曹善書山海經(一) 冊
,一時稱為東吳三曹。考曹知白之子名永,字世長,並無兄弟,善當為其族弟。本幅小楷書山海經,書於至正乙巳年(西元一三六五年),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan.....more
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元曹善書山海經(二) 冊
五年),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan (style name Shih-liang, sobriquet Shu-san-sheng.....more
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元曹善書山海經(三) 冊
),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan (style name Shih-liang, sobriquet Shu-san-sheng) was a native.....more
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元曹善書山海經(四) 冊
),書風質樸端嚴,結字參差,用筆古拙之處可見鍾繇遺法。&*Ts'ao Shan (style name Shih-liang, sobriquet Shu-san-sheng) was a native.....more
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明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
poet-recluse T’ao Yuan-ming (365-427), who spent his days in reclusion gardening, writing.....more
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明陶成菊花雙兔圖 軸
Chrysanthemums T’ao Ch’eng (fl. 15th c.) Ming Dynasty T’ao Ch’eng had two style names, Meng-hsü.....more
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歷代聖賢半身像 冊 陶淵明
聖賢 高士(士人、隱士) 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁64-66&*Portrait of T’ao Yüan-ming Anonymous Undated.....more
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元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊
albums and transcribes 100 verses by T'ao Ch'ien, better known as T'ao Yuan-ming. The leaves here have.....more
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明董其昌秋林書屋圖 軸
landscape paintings is pure, forming his own individual style. This painting is in imitation of Ts’ao.....more
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清曹夔音山水高宗御題 軸
隆時以畫供奉內廷,工畫山水,生卒年不詳。 丹楓滿嶺,溪水廻環,一人作苑屋中觀書,一人扶杖渡澗,有童子荷擔隨行。 &*Landscape Ts’ao K’uei-yin Ch’ing dynasty.....more
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元陶復初畫秋林小隱 軸
襍沓,微覺細碎。&*T'ao Fu-ch'u was a native of T'ien-tai, Chekiang. His style name was Ming-pen; his.....more
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元俞和書陶潛詩(一) 冊
is divided into two albums and transcribes 100 verses by T'ao Ch'ien, better known as T'ao Yuan-ming.....more
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