搜尋:cA 在 雙子葉植物 分類當中


Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees & Eberm. 樟

Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees ...

Taoyuan(桃源)' Kauhsiung County(高雄縣) 北緯23/09/12' 東經120/45/32 海拔:1400 - 800 M 生育地環境:Roadside' Tree ca. 10m.....more

Pasania harlandii (Hance) Oersted 短尾柯

Pasania harlandii (Hance) Oers...

/99' 東經120/54/60 海拔:1550 - 356 M 生育地環境:Broadleaf forest' On slope below the road 備註:Tree ca.10 m tall.....more

Cinnamomum insulari-montanum Hayata 山肉桂(台灣肉桂)

Cinnamomum insulari-montanum H...

' Tree ca. 10m tall' Broadleaf forest 備註:Near road mileage sign 14km on Meilan Forest Road. Tsui-Ya Li.....more

Phoebe formosana (Hayata) Hayata 臺灣雅楠

Phoebe formosana (Hayata) Haya...

:broad-leaf forest' on slope below the road 物候:Flowering 備註:Tree ca. 15 m tall Tsui-Ya Liu' Wei-Hsin.....more

Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Persoon 山胡椒

Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Persoon ...

' Leaves glaucescent beneath' armatic' Petioles reddish 備註:Tree ca. 3m tall; fruits green' speckled K. Y.....more

Pasania ternaticupula (Hayata) Schott 三斗石櫟

Pasania ternaticupula (Hayata)...

' On semi-shaded stream bank 備註:Tree ca. 10m tall Tsui0Ya Liu' Tzu-YingChen' L. H. Wu' C. C. Chen et al. 英.....more

Phoebe formosana (Hayata) Hayata 臺灣雅楠

Phoebe formosana (Hayata) Haya...

/02' 東經120/48/53 海拔:1300 - 800 M 生育地環境:broad-leaf forest' Tree ca. 8 m tall' Road side 物候:Flowering 備.....more

Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees & Eberm. 樟

Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees ...

' Roadside slope 備註:Tree ca. 8m tall. Tsui-Ya Liu' Wei-Hsin Hu' Yi-Ren Lin' Shih-Hu Liu 英文 中文 .....more

Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst. 青剛櫟

Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb....

' Exposed trailside 備註:Tree ca.10m tall; nuts green Kuang-Yuh Wang' Yi-Chung Chen' S. W. Chung' B. S.....more

Cinnamomum insulari-montanum Hayata 山肉桂(台灣肉桂)

Cinnamomum insulari-montanum H...

forest' Tree ca. 4 m tall.' On slope below the road 備註:Provincial Hwy #8 from Lishan to Chingshan.....more

Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Persoon 山胡椒

Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Persoon ...

Forest Road' Beside sunny road slope 備註:At milesge sign 26 km' Tree ca. 4m tall Tsui-Ya Liu' T. Y.....more

Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata var. sessilis Nakai 鋸葉長尾栲

Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) ...

forest' On roadside slope 備註:Tree ca. 5m tall. Tsui-Ya Liu' W. H. Hu' T. I. Chen' J. C. Yang' & L. P.....more

Neolitsea konishii (Hayata) Kanehira & Sasaki 五掌楠

Neolitsea konishii (Hayata) Ka...

' On slope above stream bank 備註:Tree ca. 12m tall Tsui-Ya Liu' W. H. wu' S. J. Liu' Y. H. Wu 英文 中文 .....more

Lindera megaphylla Hemsl. 大葉釣樟

Lindera megaphylla Hemsl. 大葉...

forest 備註:Tree' ca. 5m tall Kuang-Yuh Wang' Hui-Ming Lou' S. M. Liu' Y. H. Lai 英文 中文 .....more

Neolitsea acuminatissima (Hayata) Kanehira et Sasaki 高山新木薑子

Neolitsea acuminatissima (Haya...

to rocky roadside' Shrub ca. 4m tall 物候:Flowers yellow 備註:Tourist Center to Tunghsien forest-road Chih.....more

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