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共找到 55 筆符合的資料
. W. Presbyterial annual was held. My family and Kan'-a' and bro's wife were there from Woodstock. We.....more
the day meditating etc. Dr. Rennie called' so Cap. Gaety & Jamiesons. In the eve. Theng & family came.....more
little family till late. Tso-su-kong carried. Last night of Chinese process in town Ho-be being the 3.....more
… Had a nice time at family worship with our dear little ones… Tour to Lek-chham etc. 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中.....more
out to Tamsui - Found all our family well' but A Hoa still in bed. Hos. at noon. Met Dr. Rennie.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Ther. 90 內容摘要說明:Baro. 30-12. Went up with our family and Students from Col. etc.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Ther. 60 內容摘要說明: Baro. 30-16. At 9.30 a.m. spoke on Gen. XVIII:19. Family worship.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Ther. 48 內容摘要說明:Baro. 29-10. Bro. Jim's family' I.E. Nelly and husband' Lucy.....more
at 2 p.m. and out to see our family… 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文 登錄號:18940202 .....more
Red Path St. G. A. Grier Esqs. Very kind and obliging. The whole family etc. The Spirit of God.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Ther.34 Baro.29~6 內容摘要說明: Went to bro. James with all the family. We packed all.....more
. All my family went with me to the bush for leeks. Lovely flowers in bloom there! 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 攝製地點:Ther.80 Baro30~6 內容摘要說明:Krug's family and other came in the eve. to bro. Jim's We.....more
Lang and Family Winchester' Dr .Garrow and a Mr. Begg called.~~ 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文 登錄號:18951009 .....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:The whole family kan'-a' and Giam went up the river to Bang-kah. Then took.....more