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共找到 1881 筆符合的資料
中文名(學名):虎斑笠螺( Cellana...
:蘭嶼 形態特徵:殼長約4-6cm,殼頂低,螺肋平滑,色彩變異大,通常在主要的螺肋間有寬的深色帶。 棲所環境:潮間帶巖礁 中文;英文 .....more
- 1471/1881
中文名(學名):Japonia cf.formos...
00282 資料更新日期:2009-07-01 台灣貝類名錄 巫文隆 中文名(學名):Japonia cf.formosana 台灣分佈:台北縣烏來鄉,南投縣埔裡鎮 形態特徵:殼寬4mm,殼高4mm,4.....more
- 1472/1881
中文名(學名):高腰花帽青螺( Pat...
. conulus ) 台灣分佈:金門,金寧 形態特徵:4.9mm 棲所環境:常附著在內灣的沙泥底上的石頭或其他貝類 中文;英文 .....more
- 1473/1881
中文名(學名):圓山椒蝸牛( Assim...
( Assiminea latericea ) 台灣分佈:雲林縣口湖鄉 形態特徵:4-5mm 棲所環境:河口半淡鹹水域 中文;英文 .....more
- 1474/1881
中文名(學名):金子氏粟螺( Steno...
參考文獻:000293 資料更新日期:2009-07-01 台灣貝類名錄 巫文隆 中文名(學名):金子氏粟螺( Stenothyra kanekoi ) 台灣分佈:台南市 形態特徵:殼小型,白色,4.....more
- 1475/1881
中文名(學名):Rissoa discrepans...
biconic with protoconch, paucispiral of 2 smooth whorls. Mature whorl, 4, slightly convex. Raised ribs.....more
- 1476/1881
中文名(學名):Rissoa demessa
資料更新日期:2009-07-01 台灣貝類名錄 巫文隆 中文名(學名):Rissoa demessa 台灣分佈:綠島 形態特徵:Mature whorls, 3-4, slightly convex.....more
- 1477/1881
中文名(學名):Rissoa pellucida
, fragile, oval-conic with apex, blunt. Mature whorls, 3-4 with body whorl, large, inflated; sutures.....more
- 1478/1881
中文名(學名):Rissoa gradata
, subturreted with apex, flatly domed. Mature whorls, 3-4, flat with a large body whorl and suture.....more
- 1479/1881
Rissoa gradata
' flatly domed. Mature whorls' 3-4' flat with a large body whorl and suture' impressed. Ribs' strong.....more
- 1480/1881
Rissoa discrepans
' paucispiral of 2 smooth whorls. Mature whorl' 4' slightly convex. Raised ribs overhanging; suture pit.....more
- 1481/1881
Rissoa demessa
-07-01 台灣貝類名錄 巫文隆 Rissoa demessa 台灣分布:綠島 形態特徵:Mature whorls' 3-4' slightly convex and suture.....more
- 1482/1881
Rissoa pellucida
with apex' blunt. Mature whorls' 3-4 with body whorl' large' inflated; sutures' impressed. A few ribs.....more
- 1483/1881
中文名(學名):Alvania gradatoid...
reticulate sculpture, replaced by weak spirals at base; 4 spirals and about 13 axials on the penultimate.....more
- 1484/1881