搜尋:watches 在 水墨 分類當中


九成宮醴泉銘 冊

九成宮醴泉銘 冊

of the Watches,” which is why he was referred to as “Director-of-the-Watches Ouyang.” Gifted at many.....more

五代南唐周文矩荷亭奕釣仕女圖 軸

五代南唐周文矩荷亭奕釣仕女圖 ...

ladies face each other on either side of a game board as another watches. A lady rests by the railing.....more

明關思放鶴圖 軸

明關思放鶴圖 軸

soars in the sky while the other perches atop a pine tree. The birds’ master watches by a stone.....more

明陸治雙雞圖 軸

明陸治雙雞圖 軸

lies down beside its companion, who intently watches a dragonfly that is about to land on a weed.....more

明戴進撫松觀瀑 軸

明戴進撫松觀瀑 軸

over a pine holding a fan, a scholar watches as water flows by. An attendant stands by his side.....more

清院本親蠶圖 卷 採桑

清院本親蠶圖 卷 採桑

, Sacrifice, she performs offerings. In the third, Picking Mulberry Leaves, she watches princesses pick.....more

宋馬遠畫王羲之玩鵝圖 軸

宋馬遠畫王羲之玩鵝圖 軸

watches two white geese swimming in a lotus pond as a servant stands behind him. The winding railing.....more

明沈周夜坐圖 軸

明沈周夜坐圖 軸

drum. Between the third and fifth watches, the sky grew light with the approaching dawn. Usually.....more

宋人枇杷猿戲圖 軸

宋人枇杷猿戲圖 軸

watches its companion at play. The rendering of the tree and rocks is also convincing with elegant.....more

宋劉松年西園雅集 卷

宋劉松年西園雅集 卷

zither. Wang Qinchen watches Mi Fu inscribe a rock, while Su Zhe, Huang Tingjian, Zhao Buzhi, Zhang.....more


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