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共找到 89 筆符合的資料
清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸
果。據作者款識,此畫作於乾隆二十六年(西元一七六一)四月,當與是年春乾隆皇帝瞻禮五臺山文殊菩薩聖像一事有關。 &*Ting Kuan-p’eng, a court painter under.....more
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清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸
設色,全作費時七個月才大功告成。乾隆皇帝自詡為文殊菩薩在世間的化身,親自摹寫五臺山的文殊菩薩法相,足證其對文殊菩薩有著特殊的宗教情感。 &*Ting Kuan-p’eng was a court.....more
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清蔣木?鼎松竹梅 軸
清逸高潔的人格情操。畫中樹石點染細緻,筆墨清雋雅逸,呈現出蔣氏家傳風格特徵。 &* Chiang Ting (style name Tso-mei) was a native of Ch’ang.....more
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明丁雲鵬畫莊嚴大士瑞像 軸
of Ting Yün-p'eng appears along the middle lower right border, the style indicates.....more
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明丁雲鵬松巔函虛 軸
石稜繁複,結構極密。全畫善於繁中用簡,故覺繁密中自有奇趣,是丁氏山水畫中精品。 &* Ting Yün-p’eng, a native of Anhwei province.....more
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清姚文瀚臨宋人維摩像 軸
-lung Emperor and specialized in painting Buddhist and Taoist figures, which along with those of Ting.....more
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宋元寶翰 冊 宋趙孟堅致嚴郎中...
. In the beginning of the Ching-ting era (1260-1264), he served as a Hanlin Academician. However, he did.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄...
國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁445 &*故宮書畫錄(第三卷),第一冊,頁180 &*Chao Ting(style name Yüan-chen.....more
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明李流芳畫唐人詩意 冊 韋應物...
-ting in Kiangsu, where he, T’ang shih-sheng, Lou chien, and Ch’eng Chia-sui (1565-1643) were call.....more
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清何紹基行書八言聯 鏡片
slants unconfined, revealing an unbridled manner. Mr. Lü Fo-ting donated this work to the National.....more
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清劉德六花卉十二員 冊
, Kiangsu. A student of Hsia Chih-ting, he excelled at flower painting and his renderings from life.....more
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清張宗蒼竹亭觀瀑圖 軸
painter he was a student of both Huang Ting (1660-post.1730) and Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715.....more
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