搜尋:north 在 水墨 分類當中


宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘(北遊帖)

宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘(...

year after Su Shih had left Hangchow for the north. He therefore used the expression “(after) traveling.....more

清董邦達雙峰插雲御題 軸

清董邦達雙峰插雲御題 軸

by Emperor Ch’ien-lung Ch’ing Dynasty The South Peak and North Peak are approximately ten Chinese Li (miles.....more

宋陳居中文姬觀獵圖 卷

宋陳居中文姬觀獵圖 卷

in the north. Though neither signed nor sealed, it has been attributed to Ch'en Chu-chung, but is most.....more

明張蒼水遺墨詩 冊

明張蒼水遺墨詩 冊

and contains such texts as Bingzha Anthology, Jiling Grass, and Record of the Journey North. This album.....more

民國溥儒玉堂富貴 軸

民國溥儒玉堂富貴 軸

, Pu of the North.” Pu Hsin-yu specialized in landscape painting but also excelled at such subjects.....more

唐尉遲乙僧護國天王像 軸

唐尉遲乙僧護國天王像 軸

with a pagoda in one hand. Also known as the deva king of the north, this figure was popular after.....more

清董邦達居庸疊翠圖 軸

清董邦達居庸疊翠圖 軸

kilometers known as “Ravine Pass.” The broad bird’s-eye vista in this work is from south to north.....more

宋人法書(四) 冊 張即之上問尊堂太安人尺牘

宋人法書(四) 冊 張即之上問...

characters. Chang Chi-chih was admired by his contemporaries in the north under the Kin dynasty(1115.....more

民國齊白石長年大貴 單片

民國齊白石長年大貴 單片

of the North and Wu of the South." This work shows two fish in monochrome ink; one is a catfish (nian.....more

宋人清江漁隱 軸

宋人清江漁隱 軸

. The river waters wind off to the north as the near and distant mountains seem to be rendered from every.....more

明張飌畫諸葛亮像 軸

明張飌畫諸葛亮像 軸

of the Ming, traveled north after the fall of the dynasty, later returning to Nanking. He excelled.....more

明沈周汲泉煮茗圖 軸

明沈周汲泉煮茗圖 軸

Hill, located north of Soochow, was not only a source of tea but also a spring by the same name.....more

唐吳道子寶積賓伽羅佛像 軸

唐吳道子寶積賓伽羅佛像 軸

of the Buddha, also called the King of the North, was the most popular form during the High T'ang.....more

明董其昌書斯干之什 軸

明董其昌書斯干之什 軸

of the North." This piece of calligraphy is a private transcription of the ninth chapter ("Ssu-yu") from.....more

清張若澄罷圍圖 軸

清張若澄罷圍圖 軸

officials to Mu-lan (Wei-ch’ang, north of Ch’eng-te, in Jeh-ho province) hunting ground for field.....more

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north 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋