搜尋:no a wu 在 水墨 分類當中


元曹善書山海經(四) 冊

元曹善書山海經(四) 冊

collectively called the "Three Ts'ao's of Wu." According to biographies, however, Ts'ao Chih-po's son Yung.....more

明藍瑛仿黃公望山水 卷

明藍瑛仿黃公望山水 卷

peaks resemble a densely woven net, resonating with the style of Wu Pin. This work was done by Lan Ying.....more

元王蒙秋山簫寺圖 軸

元王蒙秋山簫寺圖 軸

ü-shih, and Huang-ho shan-chiao) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. He was the maternal grandson.....more

明王問煮茶圖 卷

明王問煮茶圖 卷

, a native of Wu-hsi in kiangsu Province, was a scholar painter of the middle Ming. This handscroll.....more

宋燕文貴寒浦魚罾 軸

宋燕文貴寒浦魚罾 軸

綴其間,更添荒疏寂寥之感。此圖與本院所藏另一幅標為宋人「漁父圖」為同一粉本,舊傳為燕文貴所作,然就畫風論,應出自晚明畫家之手。&*Yen Wen-kuei was a native of Wu.....more

清畫院畫十二月月令圖五月 軸

清畫院畫十二月月令圖五月 軸

of the Ch’ing Court Ch’ing Dynasty(1644-1911) 5th Month Dragon boats race during the tuan-wu festival.....more

明錢穀石湖八景圖 冊

明錢穀石湖八景圖 冊

) was from Wu County (now Soochow), Kiangsu. He received little education until he studied with Wen.....more

明陳祼洗硯圖 軸

明陳祼洗硯圖 軸

are constructed in long, slanted forms--one of the characteristics of late Wu School painting. 本幅 122.4x51.5公分.....more

明張翀畫東閣觀梅 軸

明張翀畫東閣觀梅 軸

, with refined brushwork and delicate colors. The other followed the Ming painter Wu Wei, bold and untramelled.....more

明陳洪綬畫壽萱圖 軸

明陳洪綬畫壽萱圖 軸

the sobriquet Wu-ch’ih (Not Late) as well. His figure insect, and bird-and-flower paintings are all.....more

明文徵明草書七言詩 軸

明文徵明草書七言詩 軸

in the Hanlin Academy and participated in the compilation of the Veritable Records of the Emperor Wu.....more

清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 繡球花

清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 繡球花

of Piling, and in painting he was renowned and grouped with the Four Wangs of the Early Qing and Wu.....more

明吳彬畫山水 軸

明吳彬畫山水 軸

。 &* Wu Pin, a native of Fukien province, resided in Nanking. He was gifted at painting and was note.....more

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

willow growing along a shore, and two verdant wu trees provide shade. A person leisurely sits.....more

清王翬瀟湘聽雨圖 軸

清王翬瀟湘聽雨圖 軸

王翬已七十五歲,畫技精熟,無贅筆。 &* Wang Hui, style name Shih-ku, sobriquets Keng-yen san-jen, Wu-mu shan-jen.....more


no a wu 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋