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共找到 124 筆符合的資料
清馬元馭畫花卉 冊 桑椹蠶蛾
,並已有化為蛾者。設色柔麗,蠶之蠕動,蛾之振翅交尾,皆極逼真,本幅選自「畫花卉冊」之第五開。 &*Silkworms on Mulberry Leaves Ma Yüan-yü.....more
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清馬元馭花卉 冊 梅花山茶
之上」。 但從真實作品看,他的畫以明淨柔麗見長,至於用筆,既沒有陳道復的老辣,也沒有陸治的剛健,更缺乏老師惲壽平的瀟洒韻致。 &*Plum Blossoms and Camellia Ma Y.....more
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元馬琬畫秋江釣艇 軸
,是典型文人畫的構圖與筆墨。山石皴法師承董源,筆墨靈動,韻味頗佳。左上方題款特以章草書體寫之,乃當時之風氣使然耳。&*Ma Wan, style name Wen-pi, sobriquet Lu.....more
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宋馬遠畫王羲之玩鵝圖 軸
attributed to Ma Yüan. The figures, clothing, bark, axe-cut texturing, and even the coloring all.....more
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宋馬遠板橋踏雪圖 軸
種臻妙。山水尤能自樹一幟,與夏圭齊名,時稱馬夏。 深山幽谷,一人率琴童踏雪訪梅。畫石用勁銳之斧劈皴,畫樹線條亦蒼勁有力,樹枝時有垂下者,特具瀟洒之筆趣,名為「拖枝馬遠」,為馬遠用筆之特色。 &* Ma.....more
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宋馬和之柳溪春舫圖 軸
著淡淡的春之氣息。幅中雖有「和之」款,然筆墨線條和世傳的馬氏筆法不類,當為後仿之作。畫幅右下有千字文第七五一「歡」字編號。 &* Ma Hezhi of Hangzhou in Zhejiang.....more
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宋人書司馬光拜左僕射告身 卷
by the Sung court in 1086 to the famous statesman Ssu-ma Kuang(1019-1086)to announce his promotion.....more
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宋夏珪西湖柳艇圖 軸
and Ma Yüan are known together as the originators of the much admired and emulated “Ma-Hsia” style.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋馬逵春叢文蝶
for painting and calligraphy. Ma K’uei was a court painter under Ning-tsung(r. 1194-1224) of the Southern.....more
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清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸
, highlighting forms with spirit and lifelikeness. Here, a dignified Mañjuśri, Bodhisattva.....more
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宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊 花港觀...
of Hangchow. He depicted figures and intimate scenes similar in style to that of Ma Yüan (fl.....more
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元趙孟頫魚籃大士像 軸
text of the Lotus Sûtra in 3 days. Only one young man, surnamed Ma, succeeded and they thereupon.....more
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