搜尋:life 在 水墨 分類當中


清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平虞美人

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平虞美人

the “boneless” method of washes with “sketching from life” techniques, creating a style of his own and making.....more

清余省東籬秀色 軸

清余省東籬秀色 軸

in the ninth year of the Qianlong Emperor’s reign (1744), is in the “sketching from life” tradition.....more

明孫克弘畫花卉 卷

明孫克弘畫花卉 卷

and diligently studied painting and calligraphy all his life. Eclectic in his choice of models, he took.....more

明人百祿圖 卷

明人百祿圖 卷

as they proceed through the hills. It is said that spirit fungus ("immortal grass") extends life. Here.....more

清王鑑倣黃公望山水 軸

清王鑑倣黃公望山水 軸

of leisure content in a life of reclusion among the mountains. (20110609) 本幅 78.8x38.8公分、詩塘 24.3x38.....more

唐太宗立像(二) 軸

唐太宗立像(二) 軸

it. The Dragon King harassed T'ai-tsung to "give back" its life, resulting in the emperor taking.....more

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月

明吳彬歲華紀勝圖 冊 玩月

’ien, Fukien, but spent most of his life in Chin-ling (modern Nanking). Because of his artistic.....more

清金廷標戲嬰圖 軸

清金廷標戲嬰圖 軸

was a particularly fine figure painter and was skilled at sketching from life, sometimes employing chiaroscuro.....more

清楊大章仿宋院本金陵圖 卷

清楊大章仿宋院本金陵圖 卷

the activities of urban life in traditional China. Starting from the right, a peaceful rural scene.....more

清陳書畫秋塍生植 軸

清陳書畫秋塍生植 軸

her maturity in forceful brushwork with tender and delicate inktone. Though a sketch from life.....more

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

at sketching birds and flowers from life as well as landscapes. Famous for his painting, Empress Dowager.....more

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

清沈振麟畫耄耋同春 冊

in figures and portraits but was also good at sketching birds and flowers from life as well as landscapes.....more

明董其昌臨顏真卿書送蔡明遠序 冊

明董其昌臨顏真卿書送蔡明遠序 ...

sui. In the spring of that year, Tung retired from official life, and in June he took a summer.....more

元明書翰第四十六冊 冊 徐渭書杜甫秋興八首

元明書翰第四十六冊 冊 徐渭書...

, painter, poet, and playwright. His life was filled with dramatic ups and downs, which in painting.....more

元倪瓚江亭山色 軸

元倪瓚江亭山色 軸

and dots, but the painting as a whole comes to life and is held together by this very texturing.....more


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