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共找到 46 筆符合的資料
唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸
的顏色。還常再加上泥金的線條,襯在山石輪廓線的內側,特別顯出金碧輝煌的感覺。後人稱為「青綠」山水,為「北宗」所主。這一幅是屬於李家山水法,畫幅右下角有「李昭道畫」的落款。 &*Li Chao-tao.....more
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元趙孟頫書閒居賦 卷
, and in his late years he followed the style of Li Pei-hai. This fu poem is a work of Chao's late years.....more
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宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣 軸
;n and Li Chao-tao was not practiced during the Five Dynasties (906-960) and Northern Sung (960-1127.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 朱德潤致吳季實教...
. In poetry, He studied that of Li Po; in calligraphy, that of Wang Hsi-chih; and in landscape.....more
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元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸
陽修相州晝錦堂記,結體謹飭內斂,筆墨遒勁秀發,通體氣勢暢旺,深受李北海影響。是其逝世前兩年,六十七歲之作。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang; sobriquet.....more
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五代南唐趙幹煙靄秋涉圖 軸
抱,此境益為幽深絕塵。舊傳本幅為趙幹之作。 &* Chao Kan, from Chiang-ning (Nanking), served in the Imperial Painting.....more
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五代南唐趙幹煙靄秋涉圖 軸
抱,此境益為幽深絕塵。舊傳本幅為趙幹之作。 &* Chao Kan, from Chiang-ning (Nanking), served in the Imperial Painting.....more
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明陳裸竹溪花塢圖 軸
, calligrapher and painter. His landscape style was after those of Chao Ch’ien-li, Chao Meng-fu and Wen.....more
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宋趙伯駒禹王開山圖 卷
; signature, “Ch’ien-li, Po-chü”. The style, however, is that of a later artist. Chao.....more
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明劉度仿趙承旨長春翠柏 軸
of the styles of Li Chao-tao (ca. 713-741) and Chao Po-chü (1120-1182) to give his refined and detailed.....more
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元趙孟頫書朱子感興詩 卷
極精密。故其出而為行草。無不妙契古人。此卷為其行楷之精而清妙者。&*Chao Meng-fu, a member of the Sung Imperial family, lived in Wu.....more
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