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共找到 158 筆符合的資料
清張若靄畫鎮海寺雪景 軸
to the Emperor’s inscription: “At the foot of T’ai-shan we turned back toward the Ch’eng-hua temple. Snow.....more
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明董其昌書斯干之什 軸
-七八二年)書風,結字端凝,布字行間略呈傾側,筆墨醇厚,勁力內蘊,皆自徐出,然清逸秀整之氣韻,則有過之。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (style name was Hsü.....more
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明沈士充畫郊園十二景 冊 掃花...
畫,與一味臨摹古人的作品截然不同。&*Twelve Scenes from A Country Garden—Sao-hua Hermitage Shen Shih-ch’ung (active.....more
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清張鵬翀春山出雲 軸
, sobriquet Nan-hua, and also called Ch’i-yüan san-hsien, “Idle sage of the Lacquer Gareden”), was from.....more
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民國鄭午昌橫月 冊頁
的紅梅,十分醒目。本冊為林宗毅林誠先生捐贈。 &*Traversing the Moon Cheng Wu-ch’ang (1894-1952) Republican Period Cheng Wu.....more
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明沈士充畫郊園十二景 冊 晴綺...
Shen Shih-ch’ung (style name Tzu-chü) was a native of Hua-t’ing. A disciple of Sung mou-chin, Shen.....more
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清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸
,年六十四即奉詔,纂輯佩文齋書畫譜。另又主持「萬壽盛典圖」之製作。 &*Floating Mist and Distant Mountains Wang Yűan-ch’i (1642-1715.....more
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清弘?墨筆叢岩疊翠 軸
;, and sobriquets I-ju chü-shih and Yao-hua tao-jen) was a member of the Ch’img Manchu imperial clan.....more
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明人畫扇 冊 明周臣萬壑秋風
,松風輕爽,衣衫隨之飄動;童僕正攜琴前來。用筆純熟謹細,風骨峭勁雅健。本幅選自明人畫扇冊第五幅。 &*Landscape Fan Chou Ch’en (ca. 1450-1535) Ming.....more
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清花卉畫冊 冊 清趙之琛梅竹水...
拙厚重的感覺。 &* Chao Chih-ch’en (tzu Tz’u-hsien) came from Ch’ien-t’ang in Chekiang and was the student.....more
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清張照臨米芾重九會郡樓詩帖 軸
,年五十五。 書畫紀略稱張照書法初從董香光入手,繼乃出入顏米。天骨開張,氣魄渾厚,雄跨當代,深被宸賞。 &*Chang Chao was a native of Hua-t'ing, Kiangsu.....more
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明姚綬畫寒林?鵒 軸
ün-tung I-shih. At the beginning of the Ch’eng-hua period (1465-1488) he was a District Prefect.....more
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清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸
互通鼻息處。 &* Shen Hao was a native of Wu-hsien, in Kiangsu province, with tzu (style name) Lang-ch’ien.....more
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