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共找到 20 筆符合的資料
清程志道摹丁雲鵬羅漢 卷
-tao Ch’ing dynasty Ch’eng Chih-tao (tzu, Yu-ch’uan) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. The dates.....more
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民國鄭午昌橫月 冊頁
-ch’ang was a native of Sheng-hsien, Chekiang, who taught at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts.....more
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明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸
and Hsiao-hsien. A wanderer in his youth, for a while he worked at the home of Ch’ien Hsi. Later he became.....more
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明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸
筆縱橫,歸於樸實,士人畫中之絕詣也。此畫作於成化四年(西元一四六八),先生年七十三歲。畫經項元汴、孫承澤收藏。 &*Tu Ch’iung was a native of Wu-hsien.....more
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清顧澐山水 冊 小靈鷲山館圖
Dynasty Ku Yün (style name Jo-po, sobriquet Yün-hu) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern.....more
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元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸
Sung-hsueh tao-jen; also known as Ou-p'o) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. Although he.....more
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清王武倣元人溪亭對菊圖 軸
, Ch’in-chung, hao Wang-an, also called Hsűeh-tien Tao-jen) was born in 1632, during the reign.....more
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元趙孟頫書朱子感興詩 卷
-hsing. His style name was Tzu-ang; his sobriquet was Sung-hsueh tao-jen. He served as an official.....more
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清周亮工集名家山水 冊 明程正...
-po and his hao were Chü-ling and Ching-his Tao-jen. He once studied landscape painting with Tung.....more
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元人詩翰 冊 元趙孟頫書韋蘇州...
,深得遒美俊逸之趣。 本幅為「元人詩翰」冊第七開。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang; sobriquet Sung-hsueh tao-jen.....more
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宋人法書(一) 冊 宋司馬光書...
Kuang(style name Chün-shih; sobriqet Wen-Kung)was a native of Hsia-hsien, Shan-chou. He received.....more
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元趙孟頫書閒居賦 卷
之作,結體整飭,行間疏朗,為深受李北海影響之作品。&*Chao Meng-fu (style name Tzu-ang; sobriquet Sung-hsueh tao-jen.....more
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