搜尋:guard 在 水墨 分類當中


明商喜戲貓圖 軸

明商喜戲貓圖 軸

) he served as an official in the Imperial guard. He excelled at painting tigers and was able.....more

清徐呈祥星額駿圖 軸

清徐呈祥星額駿圖 軸

was one presented by Chi-ling-o, the Head Guard of the Ch’ien-ch’ing Palace, in 1823. It was a court.....more

明仇英雙駿圖 軸

明仇英雙駿圖 軸

calm and relaxed. The groom behind is a frontier guard who leads a dark horse with a powerful.....more

宋黃居寀蘆雁 軸

宋黃居寀蘆雁 軸

with eyes closed as the other two look around as if on guard. Several stalks of reeds grow behind them.....more

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

Guard, hence known as “Greater General Li” then. With his father's guidance, Li Chao-tao followed.....more

清郎世寧畫瑪?斫陣圖 卷

清郎世寧畫瑪?斫陣圖 卷

was promoted to the rank of Guard Commander-general. At the end of this handscroll is a eulogy from.....more

清郎世寧畫阿玉錫持矛盪寇圖 卷

清郎世寧畫阿玉錫持矛盪寇圖 卷

Guard. In the year 1775, the Ch’ing army suppressed the Ili of Sinkiang, a campaign in which A-y&u.....more


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