搜尋:government 在 水墨 分類當中


明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 良弼

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 良...

and virtuous man to assist him and who could narrate the way of rule and government to his officials.....more

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

as emperor. After he assumed the throne at the age of Chinese 20, he embarked on government reform.....more

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

宋代帝半身像 冊 宋神宗

as emperor. After he assumed the throne at the age of Chinese 20, he embarked on government reform.....more

宋四家法書 卷 宋蔡襄上資政諫議明公尺牘

宋四家法書 卷 宋蔡襄上資政諫...

, he bravely offered remonstrance on government matters, and upon his death was bestowed by Emperor.....more

宋朱熹尺牘 冊

宋朱熹尺牘 冊

to recruit Neo-Confucian scholars to reform the government, but unfortunately the emperor passed away.....more

名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水

名人畫扇(下) 冊 清上睿山水

went to the capital and was employed in government, from which he took leave on account of ill.....more

民國馬壽華書唐白居易詩 單片

民國馬壽華書唐白居易詩 單片

followed the Nationalist government to Taiwan and served in office and as a teacher. Ma was also fond.....more

清門應兆補繪蕭雲從離騷圖上冊 冊

清門應兆補繪蕭雲從離騷圖上冊 ...

Banner” division. During Ch’ien-lung’s reign (1736-1795), he became a government official.....more

元趙孟頫百祿圖 卷

元趙孟頫百祿圖 卷

for “official pay,” thus symbolizing government position. The pine trees in the painting also represent.....more

元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟

元人雜書 卷 楊載書水龍吟

of thirty-nine he had still not entered government service. In the early Yen-yu era (1314-1320) he.....more

清董誥畫寶檻天香 軸

清董誥畫寶檻天香 軸

to the position of Grand Secretery in the Ch’ing government. In his landscapes he continued his father’s style.....more

民國譚延闓楷書 軸

民國譚延闓楷書 軸

in such important posts as Governor of Hunan, Chairman of the Nationalist Government, and Premier.....more

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

was a descendent of the Sung royal family, he served the Yuan government as an Academician in the Hanlin.....more

清周璕畫馬 軸

清周璕畫馬 軸

, he was arrested by the Ch’ing government for organizing the masses in opposition to Manchu rule.....more

清錢維城夏山欲雨 軸

清錢維城夏山欲雨 軸

became the top successful candidate in the imperial examination, and served in the government.....more

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government 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋