搜尋:crown 在 水墨 分類當中


清汪由敦臨蘇軾杜子美詩 軸

清汪由敦臨蘇軾杜子美詩 軸

the title “Preceptor of the Crown Prince” and the posthumous name Wenduan. Su Shi’s work is a handscroll.....more

清無量壽佛 軸

清無量壽佛 軸

buddha wears a precious crown with five petals, and he holds a precious vase out of which a ju-i tree.....more

清線繡梵方圓成 冊 渡世慈航

清線繡梵方圓成 冊 渡世慈航

a crown decorated with a small figure of Amitabha. In the Gandha-vyuha Sutra of the Hua-yen sect.....more

宋高宗后坐像 軸

宋高宗后坐像 軸

painted after she became empress. In the painting, Empress Wu wears a nine-dragon hairpin floral crown.....more

清永瑆臨御筆九成宮醴泉銘 軸

清永瑆臨御筆九成宮醴泉銘 軸

), was enfeoffed as crown prince in 1789. As a youth, he delved into calligraphy, achieving the ancients.....more

清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸

清丁觀鵬畫文殊像 軸

of Wisdom, wears a crown with Five Dhyani Buddhas and rides a lion. The opulent colors and refined.....more

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

唐范瓊畫大悲觀音像 軸

男相觀音不同,反而和明代的觀音較為接近,所以推測它可能是一件明代的畫作。&*Kuan-yin appears here wearing a jeweled crown, in which is set.....more

明仇英畫觀世音菩薩 軸

明仇英畫觀世音菩薩 軸

blossoms resting on a trail of clouds and holds a willow branch and a water cup. The jeweled crown.....more

明丁雲鵬畫莊嚴大士瑞像 軸

明丁雲鵬畫莊嚴大士瑞像 軸

. Kuan-yin, wearing an opulent crown with a seated Buddha, is adorned with all sorts of jewels.....more

宋人觀音大士 軸

宋人觀音大士 軸

. Wearing a jeweled crown which bears a seated Buddha, Kuan-yin is shown placing a willow branch.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 雞冠花

明沈周寫生 冊 雞冠花

as "High crown," which is also an auspicious symbol for promotion in rank as well as high position.....more

元趙奕畫大士像 軸

元趙奕畫大士像 軸

is a precious crown with the A-mi-t'o Buddha seated in meditation. Water pouring from the vase held.....more

明人畫準提菩薩 軸

明人畫準提菩薩 軸

. The figure wears a five-pointed crown and jewelry draped across the torso. The face is distinguished.....more


crown 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋