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共找到 87 筆符合的資料
藝林清賞 冊 清葉道本門前邀飲
開。 &* Yeh Tao-pen was an artist active during the Chia-ch’ing period. Other details about his life.....more
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國初人山水集繪 冊 清陳舒壁下...
勾畫竹葉,筆甚清勁挺拔,皴石則用小斧劈法,短截剛勁,畫人亦不俗。此圖構景平實,雖著筆不多,別有一番清逸之氣。 本幅選自「國初人山水集繪冊」第十開。 &*Gazing at a Waterfall Ch.....more
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清顧澐山水 冊 小靈鷲山館圖
、池波煙靄,皆是山館寫景,並寄隱居之意。畫風清麗秀雅,承襲了十八世紀以來文人雅靜的畫風。 本冊為林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Landscapes Ku Yün (1835-1896) Ch’ing.....more
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清張宗蒼石湖霽景 軸
Soochow”, including the Hsing-ch’un Bridge, Mt. Leng-chia, and the Chih-p’ing Temple. Using light.....more
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明程嘉燧秋溪疊嶂 軸
多,為明末「畫中九友」之一。本幅作於六十歲時,畫秋山疏朗,林木蕭條,江水扁舟,隨波容與。九友作品筆墨滋潤,受董其昌影響極大。主張復古,旨在挽救「吳派」堆叠繁瑣,日趨乾枯式微的畫風。&* Ch’eng.....more
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明仇英換茶圖文徵明書心經合璧 ...
by Wen Chia, Chou Yu-shun of K’un-shan asked Wen Cheng-ming to calligraph The Heart Sutra for him and Ch.....more
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明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷
”) Mountains stretch across Le-ch’ing and P’ing-yang counties, Chekiang. The steep mountains have luxuriant.....more
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名人畫扇 (戊) 冊 明陳嘉言枇...
,而枝葉間啃食枇杷的松鼠,纖毛畢現毛絨可愛。幅上寫意的果實、絲絲工細的毫毛,能如此精妙的配合,正是畫者獨到之處。本幅選自「名人畫扇」冊。&*Ch’en Chia-yen (style name K.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 清汪維梅竹麻雀
during the Chia-ch’ing era (1796-1820) who lived out his old age in seclusion in the tradition.....more
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of Ch’ang-chou (modern Soochow). His style name was K’ung-chia. He modelled his calligraphy after.....more
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明李流芳畫唐人詩意 冊 韋應物...
-ting in Kiangsu, where he, T’ang shih-sheng, Lou chien, and Ch’eng Chia-sui (1565-1643) were called.....more
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明人畫扇集冊 冊 明宋旭風煙水...
(style name Ch’u-yang, sobriquets Shih-men and T’ien-ch’ih-fa-seng; Buddhist name Tsu-hsü.....more
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宋陳居中無量壽佛像 軸
,兩眼凝視。若據畫上之乾隆題記,此佛乃為無量壽佛,然此如來手持一鉢,其恐為釋迦而非無量壽佛。&*Ch'en Chu-chung was a Painter- in -Attendant.....more
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