搜尋:brush work 在 水墨 分類當中


明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊

明文徵明書太上常清靜經 冊

Classic and The Yueh-i Essay to create a warm, mature manner with a slanted brush and sharp.....more

宋李唐炙艾圖 軸

宋李唐炙艾圖 軸

, every person here plays an outstanding role. The drapery lines of the figures in this work were.....more

明董其昌書千文 冊

明董其昌書千文 冊

on account of its rawness." The calligraphy of this album combines the brush method and character.....more

明人便面畫冊(三) 冊 明陳遵秋英寒蝶

明人便面畫冊(三) 冊 明陳遵...

influence on later generations. On this painting, the ink color is fluid, the use of the brush free.....more

明仇英蕉陰結夏 軸

明仇英蕉陰結夏 軸

of the brush makes this painting an especially moving example of Ch’iu Ying’s work. 本幅 279.1x99公分、全幅 125公分 類.....more

清王原祁春雲出岫 軸

清王原祁春雲出岫 軸

, this is probably a late work. Since the landscape is painted on silk, the surface coloring has an even glossier.....more

清弘?松塢雲濤 卷

清弘?松塢雲濤 卷

excelled at poetry and painting. A range of layered hills and ridges winds through this work with mist.....more

元吳鎮嘉禾八景 卷

元吳鎮嘉禾八景 卷

,號梅花道人。為元四大家之一。 此幀為羅志希先生捐贈。&*This work, a handscroll donated to the Museum by Mr. Lo Chih-hsi.....more

元唐棣倣郭熙秋山行旅 軸

元唐棣倣郭熙秋山行旅 軸

the work a still and silent atmosphere.&*唐棣(1296-1364),字子華。吳興(今浙江湖州)人。善畫山水,師郭熙,得其蒼潤蓊鬱之趣,嘗畫嘉熙殿壁,所作為人貴重.....more

宋李公麟畫歸去來辭 卷

宋李公麟畫歸去來辭 卷

had a major influence on later versions. The brush and ink of this work are pure and clear.....more

宋賈師古大士像 軸

宋賈師古大士像 軸

are distinctly executed with an angular brushline. The brush work within the painting is lively.....more

元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸

元盛懋松壑雲泉圖 軸

hidden. This work is traditionally attributed to Sheng Mou (style name Tzu-chao), a native of Lin.....more

清傳綮寫生 冊 花卉

清傳綮寫生 冊 花卉

dark inside to light outside, creating a rich and layered effect. The quick applications of the brush.....more

清傳綮寫生 冊 水仙

清傳綮寫生 冊 水仙

. With mature and succinct brush and ink, he personified his subjects, using symbolic expressions.....more

元人法書 冊 張雨書聽泉亭絕句

元人法書 冊 張雨書聽泉亭絕句

praised his art as “the best among Taoist works.” In the whole work, the beginning and end.....more


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