搜尋:brush strokes 在 水墨 分類當中


明王寵千字文 卷

明王寵千字文 卷

and the brush strokes. This handscroll has a spacious composition and the characters appear.....more

明人畫扇集冊 冊 明宋旭風煙水月

明人畫扇集冊 冊 明宋旭風煙水...

of willows with a pagoda and temple. The trees and rocks were rendered using a worn brush to create.....more

明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁

明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁

of the bamboo leaves and grass was done with incisive brushwork. The brush strokes in the slope and rocks.....more

元人舊蹟 冊 楊維禎致理齋明府相公尺牘

元人舊蹟 冊 楊維禎致理齋明府...

appear in this letter, and the line spacing is dense. The transitions between the brush strokes are more.....more

五代後唐胡?番馬圖 卷

五代後唐胡?番馬圖 卷

that of the Five Dynasties and Northern Sung, the fine strokes reveal a steadiness to the brush that makes.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

associations. For the bamboo stems, Li handled the brush as though doing seal script calligraphy.....more

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

stretch into the distance. The texture strokes of rocks and mountains have been applied with a moist.....more

宋郭熙秋山行旅圖 軸

宋郭熙秋山行旅圖 軸

and the “crab-claw” texture strokes for the branches in this painting all being linked to the spirit.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明陳洪綬花卉

明花卉畫冊 冊 明陳洪綬花卉

. In this folding fan mounted as an album leaf, the forms were first outlined with brush strokes and then filled.....more

宋緙絲文石錦雞 軸

宋緙絲文石錦雞 軸

in the colors exquisite and rich. Brush strokes and colors were added to such finer areas as the bird.....more

清馬元馭花卉 冊 梅花山茶

清馬元馭花卉 冊 梅花山茶

and decorative. His brush-strokes do not show the experience of Ch’en Tao-fu, nor the robust quality of Lu.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

associations. For the bamboo stems, Li handled the brush as though doing seal script calligraphy.....more

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

五代南唐巨然寒林晚岫圖 軸

stretch into the distance. The texture strokes of rocks and mountains have been applied with a moist.....more

宋郭熙秋山行旅圖 軸

宋郭熙秋山行旅圖 軸

and the “crab-claw” texture strokes for the branches in this painting all being linked to the spirit.....more

元顧安竹石 軸

元顧安竹石 軸

; whether twigs in the wind or stems in the mist, his strokes and washes capture the spirit. His.....more

第 5 頁
共 12 頁

brush strokes 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋