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共找到 35 筆符合的資料
民國于右任行書五言聯 軸
calligraphy, poetry, and writing. Yü’s early style was rooted in the Northern Stele tradition, making.....more
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清何紹基行書八言聯 鏡片
for it.” The character form and brush method here are both from Yan Zhenqing’s style. In the round.....more
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明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸
of, Yen's style, because Tung has taken considerable liberty. He grasped the round, steady features.....more
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明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸
of, Yen’s style, because Tung has taken considerable liberty. He grasped the round, steady features of Yen.....more
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清陳奕禧書醉翁亭記 冊
for variation. His round, smooth elegant style known as “marvelous in calligraphy now throughout the country.....more
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清鄭汝器(簠)隸書 軸
碑,益得樸拙奇古之妙。細觀此書,筆墨圓潤,運筆起伏,波撇誇張,筆法結字亦變化多端。通篇筆勢行氣連貫,縱橫俯仰,極具氣韻飛揚之勢。 &*Cheng Fu (style name Ju-ch’i.....more
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名畫琳瑯 冊 元黃公望雨巖仙觀
居圖成另一面目,或即「皴紋極少,筆尤簡遠」之類歟。本幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Huang Kung-wang was a native of Fu-yang. His style name.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 無款仕女
woman continues her needlework as the other two watch quietly, holding round fans. Their faces.....more
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元人雜書 卷 康里?致彥中尺牘
草筆意自成一格之面貌,大異其趣。&*K'ang-li Nao-nao (style name Tzu-shan; sobriquets Cheng-chai, Shu-sou, and P'eng.....more
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明文嘉巖瀑松濤圖 軸
。 &*Pines and Waterfall Wen Chia (1501-1583) Ming Dynasty Wen Chia (style name Hsiu-ch’eng.....more
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元人法書 冊 饒介書七言律詩三...
人法書〉第十四幅,用筆起伏多變化,在王獻之的行書風格中,又融入懷素的筆意。全作揮灑自如,氣脈酣暢,間雜章草筆法,益增古樸趣味。 (20110710)&* Rao Jie (style name.....more
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元明書翰第十五冊 冊 明文徵明...
(modern Suzhou), at first went by the name Bi and later took the style name Zhengming. He also had.....more
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(style names Tzu-wei and Po-hu; sobriquet Liu-ju) was gifted with many talents, naturally carefree.....more
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明唐寅松溪獨釣圖 軸
Alone by the Pine Stream A tall pine rises in front of a cliff; the pine needles are rendered with round.....more
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