搜尋:Chinese was 在 水墨 分類當中


清東海馴鹿圖 軸

清東海馴鹿圖 軸

畫供奉內廷,善畫人物花鳥,尤擅犬馬。此畫成於乾隆十年(一七四五),朗氏五十七歲之作。 &* Since antiquity, the Chinese have considered pure.....more

清馮翊畫大士像 軸

清馮翊畫大士像 軸

and traditional Chinese styles. Feng I was much admired by his colleagues in the Painting Academy.....more

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

by Chinese reckoning. 本幅 64.4x26.9公分、全幅 45.2公分 明世宗嘉靖十一年(1532) 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 文徵明 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 明文徵明.....more

元趙雍採菱圖 軸

元趙雍採菱圖 軸

the artist was about 53 years old by Chinese reckoning. (20110913) 本幅 107.6x35.1公分、全幅 58公分 元順帝至正二年(1342.....more

元人獻壽圖 軸

元人獻壽圖 軸

and appears elegant yet stern, like an empress from Chinese history. The two figures here face.....more

元顏輝畫猿 軸

元顏輝畫猿 軸

. The mature brushwork conveys the spirit of the scene. In Chinese, "wasps and gibbons (feng hou 峰猴.....more

元王蒙東山草堂圖 軸

元王蒙東山草堂圖 軸

of the Four Yuan Masters. This work from the Chinese age of 36 (1343) depicts a thatched lodge.....more

宋人十八學士圖 軸

宋人十八學士圖 軸

, and later. Of the 4 scrolls on these activities, this deals with Chinese checkers (go). Though ascribed.....more

宋人子孫和合圖 軸

宋人子孫和合圖 軸

with peace, blessings for good luck lie behind the play on words in the Chinese title. The plump.....more

宋李迪畫花鳥 軸

宋李迪畫花鳥 軸

depicts blossoms of Chinese rose, camellia, narcissus, plum, and lilac. The riot of pistils and stamens.....more

明張宏倣陸治茶花水仙 軸

明張宏倣陸治茶花水仙 軸

was fifty years old by Chinese reckoning, so the painting style already tends to be more mature.....more

明徐渭榴實 軸

明徐渭榴實 軸

-water-moon,” the Chinese characters for which make up the composite character for Wei, his given.....more

明趙左秋山紅樹圖 軸

明趙左秋山紅樹圖 軸

are not rendered with the texture strokes commonly found in later Chinese painting, but have been depicted using.....more

唐王維千岩萬壑 卷

唐王維千岩萬壑 卷

to the Chinese concept of mountains as dragon veins. Also, the distribution of leaves on either side.....more

明陳淳崑璧圖 軸

明陳淳崑璧圖 軸

in 1543, when Chen was 61 by Chinese reckoning. It is in gratitude to a friend for sending him a potted.....more


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