搜尋:`S 在 水墨 分類當中


元吳鎮洞庭漁隱 軸

元吳鎮洞庭漁隱 軸

landscape as a fisherman's skiff floats on the water. This work reveals the rolling watery hills.....more

元倪瓚楓落吳江圖 軸

元倪瓚楓落吳江圖 軸

鋒轉側,皴多染少,故皴筆特覺清勁。&*Ni Tsan's subject matter is very simple, but the brushwork is superb.....more

宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸

宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸

, wearing a scholar's robe but no cap, holds a scroll of blank paper. The painting is not signed.....more

元張中寫生花鳥 軸

元張中寫生花鳥 軸

is filled with graceful coloration, the painting doesn't fit into Chang's style. We may presume that a later.....more

元顏輝畫拾得子 軸

元顏輝畫拾得子 軸

madman and he enjoyed fame for his poetry. Shih-te here is shown barefoot wearing a ragged monk's.....more

元人華嚴海會圖 軸

元人華嚴海會圖 軸

Buddha preaching the Avatamsaka (Hua-yen) Sûtra to an assembly of figures in the middle left.....more

元趙孟頫西園雅集圖 軸

元趙孟頫西園雅集圖 軸

scholars Su Shi, Huang Tingjian and eight others at imperial son-in-law Wang Shen’s garden home.....more

元王蒙長江萬里圖 卷

元王蒙長江萬里圖 卷

with clusters of moss dots at the mountaintops to suggest the lush vegetation often found in Wang's.....more

明呂紀畫花卉翎毛 軸

明呂紀畫花卉翎毛 軸

are not on this painting, but the composition and the brushwork seem to capture Lü Chi’s spirit. However.....more

明鄭重畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

明鄭重畫釋迦牟尼佛 軸

Ch’ien-li, sobriquet Wu-cho) was originally from Hsi County, located in today’s Anhui Province.....more

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

明謝時臣高人雅集圖 軸

musical instrument. The three men’s facial expressions are the focal points of the painting. Hsieh.....more

明吳彬文杏雙禽圖 軸

明吳彬文杏雙禽圖 軸

land, let alone on a flowering branch. Wu Pin’s choice of the subject seems to increase the curious.....more

明仇英脩褉圖 軸

明仇英脩褉圖 軸

as an artisan painter, he later studied under Chou Ch’en and eventually achieved fame. All of Ch’iu’s.....more

明邊文進分哺圖 軸

明邊文進分哺圖 軸

in its mouth. The coloration in this painting is not as mature as that in Pien’s Plum, Pine, Bamboo.....more

元倪瓚?林遠岫圖 軸

元倪瓚?林遠岫圖 軸

. However, the inscription on this work done in 1372 is actually copied from that of Ni Tsan’s “Jung.....more


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