搜尋:family 在 屏東縣 分類當中


Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Chechengxiang, cemetery on military ground. The tombstone-ID is 5093; 台灣,屏東縣,車城鄉,軍事用地上的墓園,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-06.....more

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Chechengxiang, cemetery on military ground. The tombstone-ID is 5094; 台灣,屏東縣,車城鄉,軍事用地上的墓園,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-04.....more

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Fangshan, east of Highway 1. The tombstone-ID is 21495; 台灣,屏東縣,枋山,台1號東邊,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-03.....more

Tombstone of 周 (ZHOU1) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Fangshan, east of Highway 1. The tombstone-ID is 21506; 台灣,屏東縣,枋山,台1號東邊,周姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 周 (ZHOU1) family...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-04.....more

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Fangshan, east of Highway 1. The tombstone-ID is 21514; 台灣,屏東縣,枋山,台1號東邊,王姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-05.....more

Tombstone of 許 (XU3) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Hengchunzhen, between Baishan and Shanhai. The tombstone-ID is 18256; 台灣,屏東縣,恆春鎮,百善街與山海路間,許姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 許 (XU3) family a...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-03.....more

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Hengchunzhen, between Baishan and Shanhai. The tombstone-ID is 18274; 台灣,屏東縣,恆春鎮,百善街與山海路間,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-02.....more

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Donggangxiang, Xiaoliuqiu, private Lin tomb. The tombstone-ID is 21945; 台灣,屏東縣,東港鄉,小琉球,林氏私墓,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2010-10.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Gaoshuxiang, family graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 20726; 台灣,屏東縣,高樹鄉,家族墓園,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

Streiter, Sandy Kehrui Yan; 奧利華, 嚴可芮 數位化執行單位:數墓:台灣墓碑數位為典藏、教學、及研究 Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Gaoshuxiang, family graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 20723; 台灣,屏東縣,高樹鄉,家族墓園,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

Streiter, Sandy Kehrui Yan; 奧利華, 嚴可芮 數位化執行單位:數墓:台灣墓碑數位為典藏、教學、及研究 Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Gaoshuxiang, family graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 20724; 台灣,屏東縣,高樹鄉,家族墓園,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Gaoshuxiang, family graveyard. The tombstone-ID.....more

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Donggangxiang, Xiaoliuqiu, Number 3. The tombstone-ID is 20750; 台灣,屏東縣,東港鄉,小琉球,三號名,王姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-04.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Donggangxiang, Xiaoliuqiu, Number 4. The tombstone-ID is 20754; 台灣,屏東縣,東港鄉,小琉球,四號名,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-03.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Donggangxiang, Xiaoliuqiu, seaside north. The tombstone-ID is 20825; 台灣,屏東縣,東港鄉,小琉球,北部海灘,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-01.....more

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Donggangxiang, Xiaoliuqiu, Number 8. The tombstone-ID is 20811; 台灣,屏東縣,東港鄉,小琉球,八號名,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

type種類:family columbarium; 家族納骨塔 cc統一資源定位符:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic 2011-04.....more

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family 在 屏東縣 分類當中 的相關搜尋