搜尋:yellow 在 生物 分類當中


Chrysanthemum arisanense Hayata 阿里山油菊

Chrysanthemum arisanense Hayat...

。On roadside of forest. Ray flowers yellow. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美) 採集號:03836 英文 中文 270615 .....more

Sida sp.

Sida sp.

), Taipei County (臺北縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:1750 M 備註:Seashore. Flowers yellow; carpels 5. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei.....more

Leucanthemum vulgare (L.) H. J. Lam. 法國菊

Leucanthemum vulgare (L.) H. J...

灣) 海拔:1980 M 備註:On roadside. Radiate corolla white, disc corolla yellow. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美.....more

Trifolium dubium Sibth. 黃菽草

Trifolium dubium Sibth. 黃菽草...

), Nantou County (南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2200 M 備註:On roadside. Flowers yellow. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美.....more

Sibbaldia procumbens L. 五蕊莓

Sibbaldia procumbens L. 五蕊莓...

(仁愛鄉), Nantou County (南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:3020 M 備註:On open places and sunny slopes. Flowers yellow.....more

Youngia japonica (L.) DC. subsp. formosana (Hayata) Kitamure 臺灣黃鵪菜

Youngia japonica (L.) DC. subs...

County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2220-2250 M 備註:水管路0-2 km。On roadside. Corolla yellow. 標本採集者.....more

Sesbania roxburghii Merr. 田菁

Sesbania roxburghii Merr. 田菁...

. Shrub, fl. yellow. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu (邱少婷) 採集號:04861 英文 中文 278356 .....more

Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl. 野牽牛

Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl....

) 備註:Sandy river bank, exposed place. Vine twining, petals pale yellow. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu (邱少婷) 採集.....more

Corydalis tashiroi Makino 臺灣黃菫

Corydalis tashiroi Makino 臺灣...

, by stream. Herb, fl. pale yellow. 標本採集者:T. Y. A. Yang, C. C. Yen 採集號:11772 英文 中文 278399 .....more

Hernandia nymphiifolia (Presl) Kubitzki 蓮葉桐

Hernandia nymphiifolia (Presl)...

), Taiwan (台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:5 M 備註:朗島村,東80線9km。Roadside. Large tree, 10 m, fl. pale yellow. 標本採集者:T.....more

Physalis angulata L. 苦蘵

Physalis angulata L. 苦蘵

。Roadside. Herb, 15-30 cm, fl. yellowish-whitw to pale yellow.   標本採集者:T. Y. A. Yang, M. L. Lee 採集號.....more

Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. 海茄苳

Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vier...

:Beside ditch, 魚塭邊. Shrub, 2 m, fl. orangeish-yellow, pollens collected. 標本採集者:T. Y. A. Yang, M. L. Lee.....more

Euphorbia formosana Hayata 臺灣大戟

Euphorbia formosana Hayata 臺...

:Trailside. Herb, 30-50 cm, fl. yellow. 標本採集者:T. Y. A. Yang, C. C. Yen 採集號:11764 英文 中文 278402 .....more

Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果

Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅...

:Trailside. Tree, 2 m, fl. pale yellow. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu (邱少婷) 採集號:04444 英文 中文 278444 .....more

Hypericum geminiflorum Hemsl. 雙花金絲桃

Hypericum geminiflorum Hemsl. ...

.yellow. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu (邱少婷), Kuoh-Cheng Yang (楊國禎) 採集號:04588 英文 中文 278456 .....more


yellow 在 生物 分類當中 的相關搜尋