搜尋:white 在 生物 分類當中


Epilobium amurense Hausskn. 黑龍江柳葉菜

Epilobium amurense Hausskn. 黑...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2240 M 備註:On roadside of forest. Flowers white to rose. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H.....more

Anemone vitifolia Buch. -Ham. ex DC. 小白頭翁

Anemone vitifolia Buch. -Ham. ...

:2220-2250 M 備註:水管路0-2 km。On roadside. Flowers white. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採.....more

Meliosma squamulata Hance 綠樟

Meliosma squamulata Hance 綠樟...

備註:Flowering white. 標本採集者:Sheng-Hsin Su (蘇聲欣), Wan-Pin Chen (陳萬賓) 採集號:1617 英文 中文 273434 .....more

Styrax formosana Matsum. 烏皮九芎

Styrax formosana Matsum. 烏皮...

plantings, some native vegetaion; corolla white; artificially planted. 標本採集者:Sheng-Hsin Su (蘇聲欣) 採集號:1608.....more

Symplocos theophrastaefolia Sieb. & Zucc. 山豬肝

Symplocos theophrastaefolia Si...

:Flowering 備註:Garden plantings, some native vegetation; A native tree botanical garden; flower white.....more

Trachelospermum formosanum Liu & Ou 臺灣絡石

Trachelospermum formosanum Liu...

物候:Flowering 備註:Garden plantings, some native vegetation; Tree trunk; Corolla white.....more

Ilex rotunda Thunb. 鐵冬青

Ilex rotunda Thunb. 鐵冬青

native vegetation; Petals white to pinkish; Exhibition tree No.222-7. 標本採集者:Sheng-Hsin Su (蘇聲欣) 採集號.....more

Randia cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. 茜草樹

Randia cochinchinensis (Lour.)...

:Corolla white. 標本採集者:Sheng-Hsin Su (蘇聲欣), Chia-Haur ChangYang (張楊家豪), Chia-Ling Lu (呂佳陵), ....et al. 採集.....more

Arenaria serpyllifolia L. 無心菜

Arenaria serpyllifolia L. 無心...

, white glandular hairs. 標本採集者:S. T. Chiu, Kuoh-Cheng Yang (楊國禎) 採集號:04666 英文 中文 278326 .....more

Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Brown ex Roem. & Schultes 蓮子草

Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R....

reddish pueple, fl. white. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu (邱少婷) 採集號:04863 英文 中文 278355 .....more

Melicope triphylla (Lam.) Merr. 假三腳鱉

Melicope triphylla (Lam.) Merr...

灣) 海拔:100-120 M 備註:Trailside, forest margin. Tree, 3-5 m, fl.white; 雄花: (stamens 8) 標本採集者:T. Y.....more

Heliotropium procumbens Mill. var. depressum (Cham.) H. Y. Liu 伏毛天芹菜

Heliotropium procumbens Mill. ...

. Herb, fl. white, pollens collected. 標本採集者:T. Y. A. Yang, M. L. Lee 採集號:10256 英文 中文 278409 .....more

Dendrolobium umbellatum (L.) Benth. 白木蘇花

Dendrolobium umbellatum (L.) B...

省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:0 M 備註:朗島村,雙獅岩。Open place. Shrub, 60 cm, fl.white, pollens grains collected. 標本採集者.....more

Scutellaria austrotaiwanensis T. H. Hsieh & T. C. Huang 南臺灣黃芩

Scutellaria austrotaiwanensis ...

. Trailside. Herb, fl. white. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu (邱少婷), Shu-Chuan Hsiao (蕭淑娟), Teng-Chuang Wang (王騰.....more

Melodinus angustifolius Hayata 山橙

Melodinus angustifolius Hayata...

M 備註:紅葉村, Taiwan Cycas Nature Reserve 台灣蘇鐵自然保留區. Forest margin. Woody vine, suspended, fl. white. 標本.....more


white 在 生物 分類當中 的相關搜尋