搜尋:stem 在 生物 分類當中


Desmodium heterophyllum (Willd.) DC. 變葉山螞蝗

Desmodium heterophyllum (Willd...

(Willd.) DC. 變葉山螞蝗 標本採集地點:Kuanyinshan(觀音山), Taipei County(臺北縣), Taiwan(台灣) 備註:Stem creeping, fl.....more

拉丁學名:Aerobryopsis longissima (Doz. et Molk.) Fleisch.

拉丁學名:Aerobryopsis longiss...

:灰气蘚 採集地:中華民國臺灣省台東縣蘭嶼鄉紅頭村天池 採集地經度:121°34'40" E 採集地緯度:22°0'43" N 採集地海拔:Alt. 300 m. 棲地其他描述:On stem.....more

拉丁學名:Aerobryopsis parisii (Card.) Broth.

拉丁學名:Aerobryopsis parisii...

國臺灣省高雄縣茂林鄉南鳳山 採集地海拔:Alt. 1400 m. 棲地其他描述:On stem of Maesa and hanging on branch of Eurya in hardwood.....more

Daiswa chinensis (Franch.)Takhtajan 華七葉一枝花

Daiswa chinensis (Franch.)Takh...

, Partially shaded 物候:Flowering 備註:藥用植物 stem purple 標本採集者:Yen-Ju Lai (賴嬿如), Yu-Ling Huang (黃瑜齡), Wei-Hsiu Wu.....more

Procris laevigata Blume 烏來麻

Procris laevigata Blume 烏來麻...

, Epiphyte on erect mossy tree trunk 備註:Stem succulent; inflorescences green 英文 中文 100642 .....more

Desmodium laxum DC. subsp. laterale (Schindler) H. Ohashi 琉球山螞蝗

Desmodium laxum DC. subsp. lat...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:400 M 生育地環境:Stem erect, Secondary forest 備註:Pod 2-3jointed 標本採集者:Chia-Long Huang (黃嘉龍.....more

Smilax bracteata Presl var. bracteata 假菝契

Smilax bracteata Presl var. br...

bracteata 假菝契 標本採集地點:Pinglin(坪林), Taipei County(臺北縣), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:400 M 生育地環境:Secondary forest 備註:Stem.....more

Dioscorea matsudai Hayata ?白葉薯榔

Dioscorea matsudai Hayata 白葉...

forest, Low epiphytes, very low humidity, slightly shaded 備註:Stem purple 標本採集者:Yen-Ju Lai (賴嬿如) 採集號.....more

Dioscorea matsudai Hayata ?白葉薯榔

Dioscorea matsudai Hayata 白葉...

forest, Low epiphytes, Very low humidity, Slightly shaded 備註:stem purple 標本採集者:Yen-Ju Lai (賴嬿如) 採集號.....more

Lycopodium fordii Bak.

Lycopodium fordii Bak.

M 生育地環境:Mountain ridge, Secondary forest neat deforest area, On the stem of a dead tree fern.....more

Claoxylon brachyandrum Pax & Hoffm. 假鐵莧

Claoxylon brachyandrum Pax & H...

), Taiwan (台灣省), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:5 M 備註:朗島村,東80線6.5 km;Roadside, forest margin. Shrub, fl. white, stem.....more

Sophora tomentosa L. 毛苦參

Sophora tomentosa L. 毛苦參

. Shrub, fl. yellow, stem& pollen collected. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Yang (楊宗愈), C. H. Chuang, R. K. Lee 採集號.....more

Ficus virgata Reinw. ex Blume 島榕

Ficus virgata Reinw. ex Blume ...

, forest margin. Small tree, shrub, 3 m, fr. red, stem collected. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Yang (楊宗愈), C. H.....more

Uncaria lanosa Wall. var. appendiculata (Benth.) Ridsdale 恆春鉤藤

Uncaria lanosa Wall. var. appe...

, pollens& stem collected, 一份入自然學友之家。 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Yang (楊宗愈), C. H. Chuang, H. Y. Lin, C. C. Yen 採集號.....more

Syzygium taiwanicum Chang & Miau 棒花赤楠

Syzygium taiwanicum Chang & Mi...

註:Trailside, forest margin. Tree, 8-10 m, fr. red, stem collected; 一份入自然學友之家。 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Yang (楊.....more

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stem 在 生物 分類當中 的相關搜尋