搜尋:humidity 在 生物 分類當中


Melilotus indicus (L.) All. 印度草木犀

Melilotus indicus (L.) All. 印...

;Road/path side, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering and Fruiting 數量:Numerous 備註:Lutao(綠.....more

Pemphis acidula J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. 水芫花

Pemphis acidula J. R. Forst. &...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2 M 生育地環境:Seashore(海邊), Open place, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering.....more

Turpinia formosana Nakai 山香圓

Turpinia formosana Nakai 山香...

:Mountain slope, Acacia forest, Road/path side, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering 數量.....more

Garcinia multiflora Champ. 福木

Garcinia multiflora Champ. 福...

slope, Acacia forest, Road/path side, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering 數量:Not numerous.....more

Piper arboricola C. DC. 風藤

Piper arboricola C. DC. 風藤

, Acacia forest, Road/path side, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Slightly shaded 物候:Flowering 數量:Not numerous.....more

Camellia salicifolia Champ. 柳葉山茶

Camellia salicifolia Champ. 柳...

slope, Acacia forest, Road/path side, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering 數量:Not numerous.....more

Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn. 尖瓣花

Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn. ...

地環境:Plat, Acacia forest, Edge zone of forest, Loam soil, Low humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering 數量.....more

Amorphophallus henryi N. E. Br 臺灣魔芋

Amorphophallus henryi N. E. Br...

:Mountain slope, Secondary forest, Road/path side, Sand soil, Middle humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering.....more

Cymbopogon tortilis (J. Presl) A. Camus 扭鞘香茅

Cymbopogon tortilis (J. Presl)...

(台灣) 海拔:400-600 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Road/path side, Loam soil, Low humidity, Full sun 物候.....more

Homonoia riparia Lour. 水楊梅

Homonoia riparia Lour. 水楊梅

, Acacia forest, Rocky place, Sandstone, Low humidity, Slightly shaded 物候:Fruiting 數量:Not numerous 備註:屏東科技大.....more

Hedyotis diffusa Willd. 定經草

Hedyotis diffusa Willd. 定經草...

, Edge zone of forest, Loam soil, Low humidity, Full sun 物候:Fruiting 數量:Numerous 備註:屏東科技大學保力林場。 標本採集者.....more

Mecodium polyanthos (Sw.) Copel. 細葉蕗蕨

Mecodium polyanthos (Sw.) Cope...

) 海拔:1000-1500 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Trunk, High humidity, Slightly shaded 物候:Sporing 數量.....more

Leucas mollissima Wall. var. chinensis Benth. 白花草

Leucas mollissima Wall. var. c...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:50 M 生育地環境:Road/path side, Sandstone, Low humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering 數量:Numerous.....more

Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. 車桑子

Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. 車...

:Mountain slope, Cliff, Limestone, Low humidity, Full sun 物候:Flowering 數量:Not numerous 標本採集者:Kun-Pin Lo.....more

Lycopodium hamiltonii Spring 福氏石松

Lycopodium hamiltonii Spring ...

:1000-1500 M 生育地環境:Mountain slope, Trunk, High humidity, Slightly shaded 物候:Sporing 數量:Not numerous 標本採集.....more


humidity 在 生物 分類當中 的相關搜尋