搜尋:shows 在 國畫 分類當中


明人畫七星古檜圖 軸

明人畫七星古檜圖 軸

steady brushwork. It shows a seated scholar with attendants in the middle of the cluster of 7.....more

名繪集珍 冊  晉顧愷之洛神圖

名繪集珍 冊  晉顧愷之洛神圖

on the waves in unsullied silk" . This painting shows Concubine Mi (the Nymph of the Lo River) riding.....more

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

名繪集珍 冊  宋吳炳嘉禾草蟲

the album “Collected Gems of Famous Paintings” shows two rice plants with graceful leaves bearing.....more

明孫龍寫生 冊 草石蜻蜓

明孫龍寫生 冊 草石蜻蜓

“Album of Sketches from Life by Sun Lung with Calligraphy by Yao Kung-shou.” It shows a dragonfly.....more

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

宋元名繪 冊 宋人溪陰浴牧

layers of ink washes. The brushwork used to depict the oxen, in contrast, shows a great deal.....more

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款赤壁圖

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款赤壁圖

畫山角而失去,反因取材精簡,景致更能突出。波浪起伏回轉,表現一葉扁舟之搖搖盪盪,飄飄乎如遺世而獨立,畫家極為生動地將〈赤壁賦〉最為浪漫的憧憬畫出了。 This work shows a skiff.....more

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

明周臣甯戚飯牛圖 軸

with an archaic yet unusual style that is detailed yet free. This work shows Ning Ch'i (fl. 7th c. BC.....more

清冷枚春夜宴桃李園圖 軸

清冷枚春夜宴桃李園圖 軸

Under Peach and Plum Blossoms”. It shows a garden with numerous blossoms as lamps provide light.....more


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