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共找到 336 筆符合的資料
Nonlinear Model Predictive Con...
Nonlinear model predictive control Multiple linear model State estimation Weighted space distance.....more
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極值分配 加權最小平方估計量 次序統計量 尺度母數 Extreme-value distribution Weighted least-squares estimator Order.....more
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A Semi-Structured Process for ...
network process Weighted score method 國家圖書館 20030300 期刊論文 徐煥智(Shyur, Huan-jyh) A Semi-Structured Process.....more
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On Single-Machine Scheduling w...
) On Single-Machine Scheduling with Release Times to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time 臺灣期刊論文索引系統.....more
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Weighted least square 國家圖書館 20010400 期刊論文 廖惠珠 孫育伯 影響臺灣地區住宅部門能源消費要因之探討 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:能源季刊 卷期:31:2 民9.....more
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A Fuzzy Multiple Attributes De...
technology Maximum entropy ordered weighted averaging operators Three-stage assessment 國家圖書館 20101200 期.....more
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Multivariate Expansions Associ...
differential operators Multivariate weighted stirling numbers Multivariate riordan array pair.....more
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加權股價指數 演化式類神經網路 灰色預測 Weighted stock index Evolutionary artificial neural network Grey prediction 國家.....more
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T分數加權總分 學業成就 Multiple-enrolled T weighted average 國家圖書館 20060600 期刊論文 丁慕玉(Ting, Mu-yu) 大學多元入學之學生在校學.....more
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資料探勘 關聯規則 簡單關聯規則 加權關聯規則 行銷組合 Data mining Association rules Simple association rules Weighted.....more
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市場效率性 臺指選擇權 套利 價差 Market efficiency Taiwan weighted stock index option Arbitrage Spread 國家圖書館.....more
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軟體可靠度 失效加權軟體可靠度 軟體使用測試 分析層級程序法 Software reliability Failure-weighted software reliability.....more
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指數加權移動平均管制圖 累和管制圖 平均串長度 Exponentially weighted moving average control chart EWMA Cumulative sum.....more
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生態工法 適合度曲線 可用棲地面積 基流量 Ecological engineering Habitat suitability curve Weighted usable area.....more
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General Paresis with Reversibl...
, Ming-hong) General Paresis with Reversible Mesial Temporal T2-weighted Hyperintensity on Magnetic.....more
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