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共找到 3689 筆符合的資料

Taiwanese High School Students...
Competitive English debate participation Debate motivation Debate efficacy Taiwanese high school.....more
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Taiwanese in Chinese Computer-...
電腦媒介溝通 臺語網路語言 電子佈告欄 中文網路語言 Computer-mediated communication Taiwanese internet language Bulletin.....more
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平埔族篇 志書纂修 臺灣省通志稿 臺灣省通志 Pingpuzu Pian A part of Taiwanese local gazetteers records the history.....more
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Siraya書寫 原住民文學 身份認同 臺語詩 臺語文學 Siraya écriture Indigenous literature Identity Taiwanese poetry.....more
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The Effects of Continuous Comb...
in Internal Carotid and Uterine Arteries in Early Postmenopausal Taiwanese Women--A Preliminary.....more
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On the Tonal Inventory of the ...
字義聲調組 臺語 超音段特質 響音結尾 非響音結尾 聲響特質 認知 Lexical tonal inventory Taiwanese language Suprasegmantals.....more
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歌仔冊 臺灣閩南語 語言風格 基本韻例 借音字 Kua-a-tsheh Text of Taiwanese ballads Southern-min Taiwanese Language.....more
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Modeling Taiwanese POS Tagging...
Taiwan southern min POS tagging Written Taiwanese Hidden morkov model Maximal entropy markov model.....more
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Volunteering--A Path to Integr...
臺灣中產階級婦女移民 志工活動 加拿大 公民 多樣性 Taiwanese female immigrants Volunteering Canada Citizenship Diversity 國家.....more
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臺灣史 臺灣文學 東亞史 除魅 現代化 漢詩 Taiwanese history Taiwanese literature East Asian history Disenchantment.....more
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賴和 小說 臺灣文學 臺灣新文學 日據時代 Lai Ho Story Taiwanese literature Taiwanese new literature Japan colonial.....more
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新記譜法 特殊效果 臺灣鋼琴音樂 臺灣本土作曲家 New notations Special effects Taiwanese piano music Taiwanese composers 國家.....more
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Prevalence of Tobacco Smoking...
嚼檳榔 喝酒 盛行率 相關因素 臺灣勞工 抽煙 Betel nut chewing Drinking Prevalence rates Relevant factors Taiwanese.....more
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方豪 臺灣方志 臺灣方志型態 修志專家 Foug Hou Local gazetteers of Taiwan Type of Taiwanese local gazetteers.....more
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Computer Aided VDT Workstation...
電腦工作站 人體計測 勞工 電腦輔助 VDT Workstation design Anthropometric database Taiwanese workers Computer-aided.....more
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