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共找到 734 筆符合的資料

滿文:erdemungge sargan jui i f...
.org 滿文:erdemungge sargan jui i fonjiha amba kulge nomun 漢文:有德女所問大乘經 藏文:'phags pa bram ze mo dpal.....more
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滿文:nesuken horonggo amba som...
.org 滿文:nesuken horonggo amba somishūn dandari han badzara beirawa i.....more
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滿文:samina eldengge fusa i gi...
.org 滿文:samina eldengge fusa i gisurenhe nomun 漢文:不思議光菩薩所說經 藏文:'phags pa khye'u snang ba bsam gyi mi.....more
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滿文:amba leli onco yongkiyan ...
giyangnaha nomun 漢文:大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經 藏文:'phags pa shin tu rgyas pa'i mdo ste rang byung.....more
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滿文:gosingga han i gurun be k...
.org 滿文:gosingga han i gurun be karmara sure barmion nomun 漢文:仁王護國般若波羅密經 藏文:sher phyin rgyal po snying.....more
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滿文:minggan galangga minggan ...
.cbeta.org 滿文:minggan galangga minggan yasangga jilan i bulekušere fusa i.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha fucihi gi...
.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha fucihi giyolonggo etehe eme i tarni nomun 漢文:佛說佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 藏文:'phags.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha wacir gal...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha wacir galangga fusa i booda be wembure amba.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha ferguwecu...
fulehe sere gebungge nomun 漢文:佛說妙吉祥最勝根本大教王經 藏文:khro bo rnam par rgyal ba'i rtog pa.....more
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滿文:wacir baturu gningga fusa...
.org 滿文:wacir baturu gūningga fusa i nomulaha binayag'a enduri.....more
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滿文:fucihi nomulaha amba kulg...
.cbeta.org 滿文:fucihi nomulaha amba kulge i mandel be urebume gūnire doro.....more
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滿文:wacir nomulaha amba jilan...
amba fulehe han i nomun 漢文:佛說大悲空智喜金剛大教王經 藏文:kyau rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi.....more
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滿文:wacir giyolonggo yoga min...
i bulekušere toosengga fusa be urebure gūnire kooli durun i nomun 漢文:金剛.....more
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滿文:ilan tangkari yongkiyaha ...
.cbeta.org 滿文:ilan tangkari yongkiyaha aššarakū jilihangga han i takūrši.....more
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