搜尋:description 在 林業試驗所日治時期林業文獻 分類當中


篇名:Description of a new Endomychid-beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Endo...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Endomychid-beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v30 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new Languriid-beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Lang...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Languriid-beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v30 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Scar...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v30 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new scarabaeid-beetle from Amami-osima

篇名:Description of a new scar...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new scarabaeid-beetle from Amami-osima 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v31 號.....more

篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-Beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Scar...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-Beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v31 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new genus of Erotylidae (Col). from Japan proper

篇名:Description of a new genu...

):Harutugu ARAKI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new genus of Erotylidae (Col). from Japan proper 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of Erotylidae (Col). from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new spec...

):Harutugu ARAKI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Erotylidae (Col). from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報.....more

篇名:Description of new chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa (I)

篇名:Description of new chryso...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of new chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa (I) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v31 號.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of spider from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new spec...

):Izumi KAYASHIMA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of spider from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v33.....more

篇名:Description of new Chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa (II)

篇名:Description of new Chryso...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of new Chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa (II) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v33.....more

篇名:紅頭嶼產甲蟲類目錄;An enumeration of Coleoptera from K?t?sho (Botel-Tobago), with the description of new Species

篇名:紅頭嶼產甲蟲類目錄;An en...

of Coleoptera from Kôtôsho (Botel-Tobago), with the description of new Species 文字 數位化執行單位:中華民國行政院農業委員會.....more

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