搜尋:Some 在 文獻 分類當中


篇名:Apodemus 屬三種の染色體一特に性染色體ならんと考へらるるものの行動形態等に就いて〈豫報〉;Apreliminary Report on Some Peculiar Shaped Chromosomes in Three Species of Apodemus.

篇名:Apodemus 屬三種の染色體一...

Report on Some Peculiar Shaped Chromosomes in Three Species of Apodemus. 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v24 號次:n130 所.....more

篇名:Descriptions of and Notes on some Pimplinae in Formosa (Hym. Ich-neumonidae)

篇名:Descriptions of and Notes...

):Jinhaku SONAN 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Descriptions of and Notes on some Pimplinae in Formosa (Hym. Ich-neumonidae.....more

篇名:Notes on some Pimplinae in Formosa with a New Species (Hyme-noptera, Ichneumonidae)

篇名:Notes on some Pimplinae i...

):Jinhaku SONAN 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Notes on some Pimplinae in Formosa with a New Species (Hyme-noptera.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) and notices of some others.

篇名:Description of a new spec...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) and notices of some.....more

篇名:Some Aphididae from South China and Hainan (Homoptera), V. Some species from Hongkong.

篇名:Some Aphididae from South...

):Ryoichi TAKAHASHI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Some Aphididae from South China and Hainan (Homoptera), V. Some species.....more

篇名:澎湖島の蜂類に就いて)(2) Some Wasp and Bees of H?kot? (Pescadores)

篇名:澎湖島の蜂類に就いて)(2) ...

):Jinhaku Sonan 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:澎湖島の蜂類に就いて)(2) Some Wasp and Bees of Hôkotô (Pescadores) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報.....more

篇名:臺灣產介穀蟲類(英文) Some Coccidae of Formosa

篇名:臺灣產介穀蟲類(英文) Some...

Takahashi 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:臺灣產介穀蟲類(英文) Some Coccidae of Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v21 號次:n112 所在頁數:p.....more

篇名:臺灣の蜉蝣類 Some Notes on the Mayfly-Fauna of Formosa

篇名:臺灣の蜉蝣類 Some Notes o...

):Masuzo UÉNO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:臺灣の蜉蝣類 Some Notes on the Mayfly-Fauna of Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v21 號次.....more

篇名:毫灣產數種の粉虱 Some white-flies of Formosa

篇名:毫灣產數種の粉虱 Some whi...

TAKAHASHI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:毫灣產數種の粉虱 Some white-flies of Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v21 號次:n115 所在頁數:p.....more

篇名:臺灣の樟 Some remarks on Formosan Camphor trees

篇名:臺灣の樟 Some remarks on ...

):Yasuji FUJITA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:臺灣の樟 Some remarks on Formosan Camphor trees 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v21 號次:n116.....more

篇名:臺灣產數種の粉虱(2) Some white-flies of Formosa(2)

篇名:臺灣產數種の粉虱(2) Some ...

TAKAHASHI 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:臺灣產數種の粉虱(2) Some white-flies of Formosa(2) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v21 號次:n116 所在.....more

篇名:完全時代に於る Sclerotium Rolfsii SAC. 〈一〉胞子形成と培養形質との關係;Sclerotium Rolfsii SACC. in Perfect Stage. I Some Correlation between Sporation and Cultrual Characteristics.

篇名:完全時代に於る Sclerotium...

. in Perfect Stage. I Some Correlation between Sporation and Cultrual Characteristics. 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v23 號次.....more

篇名:完全時代に於る Sclerotium Rolfsii SAC. 〈二〉胞子形成と培養形質との關係;Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. in Perfect Stage. II. Some Correlation between Spora-tion and Cultrual Characteristics

篇名:完全時代に於る Sclerotium...

. in Perfect Stage. II. Some Correlation between Spora-tion and Cultrual Characteristics 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v23 號.....more

篇名:Systematic and Anatomical Studies on Some Japanese Plants (III)

篇名:Systematic and Anatomical...

):Yosisuke SATAKE 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Systematic and Anatomical Studies on Some Japanese Plants (III) 文獻名稱:臺灣.....more

篇名:Some Notes on a Formosan Dorcid, with a Description of one new Species. (Lucanidae: Coleop.)

篇名:Some Notes on a Formosan ...

):Bernard BENESH 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Some Notes on a Formosan Dorcid, with a Description of one new Species.....more

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