搜尋:f~ 在 國圖館藏期刊 分類當中


Cubic Formal Power Series in C...

. Mahjoub, F. Cubic Formal Power Series in Characteristic 2 with Unbounded Partial Quotients 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來.....more


Financial Governance in the Co...

國家圖書館 20100700 期刊論文 Ali, Shahla F. Financial Governance in the Context of Globalization 臺灣期刊論文索引系統.....more


The Metabolic Syndrome as a Ma...

F. A. C. The Metabolic Syndrome as a Maladaptive Condition of the Circadian Clock 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來.....more


Politics for the Neurocentric ...

of the sensible 國家圖書館 20101200 期刊論文 Dunagan, Jake F. Politics for the Neurocentric Age 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:Journal.....more


Significance of Comorbidity in...

國家圖書館 20101000 期刊論文 Okuyemi, Oluwafunmilola T. Dwivedi, Raghav C. Kazi, Rehan Piccirillo, Jay F.....more


The Effect of Corporate Social...

國家圖書館 20091200 期刊論文 Dilling, Petra F. A. Harris, Peter Khoo, Benjamin The Effect of Corporate.....more


Minimal Coupling Approach to Q...

國家圖書館 20100400 期刊論文 Pahlavani, H. Kheirandish, F. Minimal Coupling Approach to Quantum RLC Circuits.....more


Paul Revisited: New Perspectiv...

國家圖書館 20090000 期刊論文 Wong, Solomon H. F. Paul Revisited: New Perspective on Paul 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:神學與.....more


Change and Continuity in the P...

期刊論文 Batto, Nathan F. Change and Continuity in the Personal Vote after Electoral Reform in Taiwan 臺灣.....more


A History of Mataw Fishing in ...

國家圖書館 20090600 期刊論文 Mangahas, Maria F. A History of Mataw Fishing in Batanes, Philippines 臺灣期刊論文索引系.....more


Optimal Blocking and Foldover ...

, Jeff C. F. Optimal Blocking and Foldover Plans for Regular Two-Level Designs 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊.....more


Necessary and Sufficient Condi...

. Forzani, L. Yao, A. F. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Consistency of a Method for Smoothed.....more


Bayesian Nonparametric Modelli...

論文 Griffin, J. E. Steel, M. F. J. Bayesian Nonparametric Modelling with the Dirichlet Process.....more


Teaching and Learning the Futu...

Teaching the Future Learning the Future 國家圖書館 20100900 期刊論文 Steele, Stephen F. Teaching.....more


Feminism and the Human: Remark...

 Ehrenreich Abu Ghraib 國家圖書館 20060900 期刊論文 Scott, Carla F. Feminism and the Human: Remarks.....more


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