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共找到 465 筆符合的資料

歐洲中央銀行 對外關係 國際貨幣基金 法律人格 歐盟條約 European central bank ECB External relations International monetary.....more
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Pitfalls of the Postcolonialis...
狂人日記 藥 酒國 Post-colonialism/postcolonialism Colonial discourse External referents Inhumanity.....more
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Recurrent Chronic Subdural Hem...
Recurrence Chronic subdural hematoma Burr hole craniostomy External subdural drainage Prognostic.....more
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皮膚瘡瘍 證治思想 生肌類外治方劑 Sores Pattern identification and treatment of sores External-use formulas.....more
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鼓室成形術 外耳道 Tympanoplasty External auditory canal 國家圖書館 20000900 期刊論文 許家禎(Hsu, Chia-chen) 朱繡棟(Chu.....more
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黏液瘤 外耳道 Myxoma External auditory canal 國家圖書館 20000900 期刊論文 林書賢(Lin, Su-hsien) 徐銘燦(Shu, Min-tsan) 曾岐.....more
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Intra-operative Hemorrhage fro...
Intra-operative hemorrhage Internal maxillary artery External carotid artery 內頷動脈出血 國家圖書館 20000900.....more
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土地增值 利益分配 外部效益 BOT External benefit Land appreciation Gain sharing 國家圖書館 20010100 期刊論文 陳明吉(Chen.....more
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學習障礙 情意 負面的成敗歸因 外在制控的信念 學習的無助感 自我概念 Learning disability Affection Negative attribution External.....more
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Mitochondrial DNA Deletion Syn...
syndrome Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia CPED Mitochondrial myopathy MM 國家圖書館 20011000 期刊論文.....more
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External Beam Radiation Therap...
(Huang, Ming-yii) 何耀輝(Ho, Yu-hui) External Beam Radiation Therapy for Inoperable Hepatocellular.....more
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農地外部效益 財產權 補償 準徵收 交易成本 External benefit of farmland Property rights Compensation Taking Transaction.....more
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網路調查 抽樣 樣本代表性 外部效度 加權 Internet-based surveys Sampling Sample representativeness External validity.....more
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A Study of Sentence Structure ...
characterization Function Internal relation External relation Case relation 國家圖書館 20040200 期刊論文 Soo,Wen-lang.....more
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洋蔥外皮 茜草 媒染 染色堅牢度 Onion's external hide Chay Mordant Dyeing fastness 國家圖書館 20040400 期刊論文 廖盛焜(Liao, S.....more
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