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共找到 4779 筆符合的資料
Natural Convection Phenomena i...
, William T. Natural Convection Phenomena in a Prototypic PWR during a Postulated Beyond-the-design-basis.....more
- 1246/4779
A Passivity-Based Controller D...
A Passivity-Based Controller Design for Three-Phase Active Rectifiers without Dynamic Feedback 臺灣期刊論文索引系統.....more
- 1247/4779
The Design of Microwave Diplex...
, Rong-chan Lin, You-yu Chen, Hao-hui Chou, Young-huang The Design of Microwave Diplexer Network.....more
- 1248/4779
Design of an Effective Pipelin...
efficiency 國家圖書館 20080800 期刊論文 Lin, Chin-teng Yu, Yuan-chu Design of an Effective Pipeline FFT/IFFT.....more
- 1249/4779
Novel High-Pass Filter Design ...
-chyun Shu, Di-shang Lu, Po-chiang Kuei, Ching-pin Chang, Chung-chi Novel High-Pass Filter Design.....more
- 1250/4779
Analysis and Design of a Volta...
AC-AC Half-bridge Balance 國家圖書館 20081200 期刊論文 蔡明村(Tsai, M. T.) 吳俊樺(Wu, J. H.) Analysis and Design.....more
- 1251/4779
Intuitive GA and Lyapunov to P...
Sung, Wen-tsai Intuitive GA and Lyapunov to Promote Molecular Docking Efficiency for Drug Design 臺灣期刊.....more
- 1252/4779
視覺化 可視化 設計思維 化繁為簡 Visualization Design thoughts Simpliflying complexity 國家圖書館 20081200 期刊論文 曾榮梅.....more
- 1253/4779
Design and Implementation of a...
Chang, Rong-guey Design and Implementation of a Hardware and Software Cosimulator for OpenRISC OR1200.....more
- 1254/4779
pCore: A Runtime System Design...
: A Runtime System Design for Dual-core Processors 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:中華民國資訊學會通訊 卷期:11:3 2008.09[民97.09] 頁次:頁75.....more
- 1255/4779
Design of High Speed Asynchron...
20081100 期刊論文 Senthilkumar, A. Natarajan, A.M. Design of High Speed Asynchronous Pipelined FIR Filter.....more
- 1256/4779
Algorithms for Recognizing Und...
深切特徵 射出成型 電腦輔助設計 實體造型 Undercut feature Injection modelling Computer-aided design Solid modelling 國家.....more
- 1257/4779
逆向工程 產品設計 檢核表 DFA RE Product design Checking table 國家圖書館 20080700 期刊論文 張啟良(Zhang, Qi-liang) 應用逆向工程與.....more
- 1258/4779
Sampling Sites Design for Heal...
S. Ma, Hwong-wen Sampling Sites Design for Health Risk Assessment with Bayesian Approach 臺灣期刊論文索引系統.....more
- 1259/4779
A Cost-Effective Design of VHR...
Design of VHRP Based on XenoLinux Virtualization Technology 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:創新研發學刊 卷期:4:2 2009.04[民.....more
- 1260/4779