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共找到 497 筆符合的資料

The Biennial Oscillations in T...
Biennial oscillations Taiwan climate Regional climate variations 臺灣 氣候 準年振盪訊號 國家圖書館 20021200 期刊論文 盧.....more
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A Hot Christmas in Africa : th...
九霄雲外 天氣 氣候 後殖民主義 Cloud nine Weather and climate Postcolonialism 國家圖書館 20060600 期刊論文 姜翠芬(Jiang, Tsui.....more
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Simulation of Present-Day Clim...
Global climate models Control experiments Regional climates Indian subcontinent Monsoon 印度次大陸 氣候 全球.....more
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柯本氣候分類法 中國氣候區劃 亞熱帶氣候 半濕潤氣候 Koppen classification method Climate regionalization of China Sub.....more
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氣候變遷 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約 京都議定書 氣候變遷調適法制 調適政策與措施 農業 方法論 永續發展 Climate change United Nations framework.....more
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Motivational climate Task orientation climate Ego orientation climate 國家圖書館 20040400 期刊論文 鍾保明(Chung, Pao-ming.....more
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梅雨季氣候 南海夏季季風肇始 臺灣短期氣候預報 Mei-yu climate South china sea monsoon onset Taiwan short term climate.....more
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Classroom Climate and Learning...
混成學習 班級氣氛 學習成效 同步網路教室 同步學習 Blended-learning Classroom climate Learning effectiveness Synchronous.....more
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組織氣候 組織倫理氣候 國民小學 Ethical climate Elementary school Ethical climate inventory 國家圖書館 20090900 期刊論文 范熾.....more
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Coming Home to Eat: Re-imagini...
Bioregionalism Climate change 國家圖書館 20090600 期刊論文 Adamson, Joni Coming Home to Eat: Re-imagining.....more
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組織氣候 服務氣候 顧客滿意度 服務績效 服務品質 Organizational climate Service climate Customer satisfaction Service.....more
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Service Climate, Goal Orienta...
服務氣候 目標導向 專業承諾 服務績效 服務管理 Service climate Goal orientation Professional commitment Service.....more
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知覺精熟氣候 知覺表現氣候 Perceived mastery climate Perceived performance climate 國家圖書館 20110900 期刊論文 彭郁芬(Peng.....more
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Projection of Effects of Clima...
預測 氣候變遷 水稻產量 衝擊評估 預估不確定性 Projection Climate change Rice yield Impact assessment Prediction.....more
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Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties...
非生物型逆境 氣候變遷 水稻 Oryza sativa Abiotic stress Climate change Rice 國家圖書館 20101200 期刊論文 Mackill, David J.....more
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