搜尋:_I 在 蕁麻科 分類當中


Laportea pigidifalia I. B. Rob

Laportea pigidifalia I. B. Rob...

pigidifalia I. B. Rob 行政院農業委員會林業試驗所植物標本館 1910-11-01 植物標本 腊葉標本 Laportea pigidifalia I. B. Rob 標本採集地點.....more

Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd 長葉苧麻

Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd ...

採集地點:Hsin-i(信義)丹大, Nantou County(南投縣), Taiwan(台灣) 英文 中文 008241 .....more

Pellionia arisanensis Hayata 赤車使者

Pellionia arisanensis Hayata ...

est, Cryptomeria japonica plantation 備註:Mossy slope with abundant herbaceous vegetation 標本採集者:Ching-I.....more

Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ex Royle) Wedd. 長梗盤花麻

Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ...

-I Peng (彭鏡毅), B. Bartholomew, T. Lammers, R. Moran, W. Wanger 採集號:14616 英文 中文 080349 .....more

Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ex Royle) Wedd. 長梗盤花麻

Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ...

:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅), B. Bartholomew, T. Lammers, R. Moran, W. Wanger 採集號:14616 英文 中文 080388 .....more

Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd. 大冷水麻

Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) We...

, Chamaecyparis forest, In sacred Tree Grove 備註:Along trail from parking area 標本採集者:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅.....more

Debregeasia edulis (Sieb. & Zucc.) Wedd. 水麻

Debregeasia edulis (Sieb. & Zu...

forest, On slope by the road 備註:Spindly tree 4m tall; flowers reddish 標本採集者:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅), Te.....more

Pilea funkikensis Hayata 奮起湖冷水麻

Pilea funkikensis Hayata 奮起...

plantation 備註:Slope below the trail, by running stream 標本採集者:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅), C. H. Lin, Te-Sheng.....more

Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Wedd. 大冷水麻

Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) We...

dominated, Lauraceae and Fagaceae 備註:Paoshan Village. Tengchi Forest Recreation Area 標本採集者:Ching-I.....more

Boehmeria pilushanensis Y. C. Liu & F. Y. Lu 畢祿山苧麻

Boehmeria pilushanensis Y. C. ...

-1700 M 備註:Mixed broadleaf-Chamaecyparis forest 標本採集者:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅), B. Bartholomew, T. Lammers, R.....more

Elatostema herbaceifolium Hayata 臺灣樓梯草

Elatostema herbaceifolium Haya...

採集者:Ching-I Peng (彭鏡毅), C. H. Lin, Te-Sheng Hsu, Chi-Cheng Liao (廖啟政), C. C. Wang 採集號:14729 英文 中文.....more

Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ex Royle) Wedd. 長梗盤花麻

Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ...

Chung (鐘詩文), I-Hui Wu (吳怡慧) 採集號:728 英文 中文 200443 .....more

Boehmeria frutescens (Thunb. ex Murray) Thunb. 青苧麻

Boehmeria frutescens (Thunb. e...

候:Fruiting 備註:民俗植物調查。 標本採集者:Pei-Hsuan Lee (李沛軒), Jun-I Lin (林潤宜) 採集號:2930 英文 中文 201435 .....more

Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob

Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob...

Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob 行政院農業委員會林業試驗所植物標本館 1911-05-01 植物標本 腊葉標本 Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob 標本採集地點.....more

Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob

Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob...

Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob 行政院農業委員會林業試驗所植物標本館 1910-09-01 植物標本 腊葉標本 Elatostema luganense I. B. Rob 標本採集地點.....more

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