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共找到 7867 筆符合的資料
高屏天竺鯛(Apogon sp.)
天竺鯛科 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993) 臺灣淡水及河口魚類誌(陳及方, 1999) 魚類名錄 陳義雄 高屏天竺鯛(Apogon sp.) 台灣俗名:大目側仔、天竺鯛 型態特徵:背鰭VI-I.....more
- 2311/7867
仰口?(Secutor ruconius)
in the river Ganges and its branches. Edinburgh & London. Fishes Ganges: i-vii + 1-405, Pls.....more
- 2312/7867
曳絲鑽嘴魚(Gerres filamentosus...
'anatomie compar?e. Edition 2. R?gne Animal (ed. 2) v. 2: i-xv + 1-406. [For date.....more
- 2313/7867
勒氏笛鯛(Lutjanus russellii)
. Kunst. Wet. v. 22: 1-64. 型態特徵:背鰭X , 14;臀鰭III , 8;胸鰭14;腹鰭I , 5;側線鱗42~43。 體呈長橢圓形,側扁,背.....more
- 2314/7867
奧耐鑽嘴魚(Gerres oyena)
Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164, map. 型態特徵:背.....more
- 2315/7867
短鑽嘴魚(Gerres erythrourus)
. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 5: i-viii + 1-152, Pls. 253-288. [Also a French edition.....more
- 2316/7867
黑斑尖鰓?(Omobranchus ferox)
13;腹鰭I , 2。 體延長,頗側扁。背、腹緣線皆較為平直,至尾柄處漸窄小。頭部略小,背側呈圓弧形。吻短鈍。雄魚的項部具低矮的肉冠。眼中大,上側位。口較小,略平直,上頜較前.....more
- 2317/7867
日本真鱸(Lateolabrax japonicus...
, ou des perco?des. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 2: i-xxi + 2 pp. + 1-490, Pls. 9-40.....more
- 2318/7867
大口鱸(Micropterus salmoides)
. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 4: i-xliv + 1-728, Pl. 1-16. [Publication date: Hureau & Monod 1973.....more
- 2319/7867
尖吻鱸(Lates calcarifer)
. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 4: i-xii + 1-128, Pls. 217-252. [Also a French edition.....more
- 2320/7867
眶棘雙邊魚(Ambassis gymnocepha...
poissons. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 4: i-xliv + 1-728, Pl. 1-16. [Publication date: Hureau.....more
- 2321/7867
四線列牙?(Pelates quadrilinea...
. Berlin. Naturg. Ausl. Fische v. 4: i-xii + 1-128, Pls. 217-252. [Also a French edition.....more
- 2322/7867
花身雞魚(Terapon jarbua)
auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164, map. 型態特徵.....more
- 2323/7867
湯鯉(Kuhlia marginata)
rayons branchiaux et ? dents en velours ou en cardes. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 3: i-xxviii.....more
- 2324/7867
銀紋笛鯛(Lutjanus argentimacul...
auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descr. Animalium: 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164.....more
- 2325/7867