搜尋:time 在 建築 分類當中


Tombstone of 游 (YOU2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10634; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,游姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 游 (YOU2) family ...

。 coordinates定位:E121.428526666667 N23.6770416666667; 東121.428526666667 北23.6770416666667 time period時代:Post.....more

Tombstone of 曾 (ZENG1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10615; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,曾姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 曾 (ZENG1) family...

北23.6767595 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008) family name姓.....more

Tombstone of 石 (SHI2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10632; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,石姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 石 (SHI2) family ...

.428484333333 北23.677038 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008.....more

Tombstone of 石 (SHI2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10633; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,石姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 石 (SHI2) family ...

.428484333333 北23.677038 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10636. ; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

.6769993333333; 東121.428657333333 北23.6769993333333 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民.....more

Tombstone of 高 (GAO1) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10783; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,高姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 高 (GAO1) family ...

.693473; 東121.399792666667 北23.693473 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10846; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

.6935159667969; 東121.399861146485 北23.6935159667969 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008.....more

Tombstone of 吳 (WU2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10767; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,吳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 吳 (WU2) family a...

.676883 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008) family name姓名:吳.....more

Tombstone of 羅 (LUO2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10852; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,羅姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 羅 (LUO2) family ...

.693507421875 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008) family name姓名:羅.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10637. ; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

.6769993333333; 東121.428657333333 北23.6769993333333 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10779. ; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

.693453; 東121.399842 北23.693453 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10781. ; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

.693461; 東121.399842 北23.693461 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10780. ; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

.693461; 東121.399842 北23.693461 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Guangfuxiang, Guangfucun, graveyard east of Highway 9, on hill. The tombstone-ID is 10641. ; 台灣,花蓮縣,光復鄉,光復村,台9號東邊,近山丘,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

.428728 北23.676969 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008); 中華民國,二戰後(1945-2008) family.....more

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10859; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

.693483984375; 東121.399840421875 北23.693483984375 time period時代:Post WWII ROC administration (1945-2008.....more


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