搜尋:carved 在 建築 分類當中


Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Tainanshi, Anpingqu, near nightmarket. The tombstone-ID is 7093. ; 台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

are carved, . The tombstone has the shape of a --; 這是一個在台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑的形.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Tainanshi, Anpingqu, near nightmarket. The tombstone-ID is 7110. ; 台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

are carved, . The tombstone is a brick; 這是一個在台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑是一塊磚塊.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Tainanshi, Anpingqu, near nightmarket. The tombstone-ID is 7122. ; 台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

, Tainanshi, Anpingqu, near nightmarket. The characters of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Tainanshi, Anpingqu, near nightmarket. The tombstone-ID is 7130. ; 台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

are carved, . The tombstone has the shape of a --; 這是一個在台灣,台南市,安平區,夜市附近發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑的形.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Nanxixiang, Guidancun, north of village. The tombstone-ID is 7368. ; 台灣,台南縣,楠西鄉,龜丹村,村子北方,公有地,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

, Tainanxian, Nanxixiang, Guidancun, north of village. The characters of this tombstone are carved; 這.....more



are carved, The elements on this tombstone are (person)(location)(date)(erected by); 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,北門鄉,北門.....more



are carved, The elements on this tombstone are (person)(location)(date)(erected by); 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,北門鄉,北門.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 7768. ; 台灣,苗栗市,第二公墓,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The characters of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone has.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 7837. ; 台灣,苗栗市,第二公墓,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

is located in Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The characters of this tombstone are carved.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 8044. ; 台灣,苗栗市,第二公墓,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

is located in Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The characters of this tombstone are carved.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 8086. ; 台灣,苗栗市,第二公墓,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

is located in Taiwan, Miaolishi, second public graveyard. The characters of this tombstone are carved.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Fangliaoxiang, westside of Highway 1. The tombstone-ID is 9395. ; 台灣,屏東縣,枋寮鄉,台1號西側,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone is a brick; 這是一個在台灣,屏東縣,枋寮鄉,台1號西側發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑是一塊磚塊.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Fangliaoxiang, westside of Highway 1. The tombstone-ID is 9433. ; 台灣,屏東縣,枋寮鄉,台1號西側,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone has the shape of a --; 這是一個在台灣,屏東縣,枋寮鄉,台1號西側發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Fangliaoxiang, westside of Highway 1. The tombstone-ID is 9453. ; 台灣,屏東縣,枋寮鄉,台1號西側,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone is a brick; 這是一個在台灣,屏東縣,枋寮鄉,台1號西側發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的。這個墓碑是一塊磚塊.....more

Tombstone of unnamed person at Taiwan, Gaoxiongshi, Youchang, Deminlu. The tombstone-ID is 10408. ; 台灣,高雄市,右昌街,德民路,無名氏之墓碑

Tombstone of unnamed person at...

, Deminlu. The characters of this tombstone are carved, . The tombstone is a brick; 這是一個在台灣,高雄市,右昌街,德民.....more

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carved 在 建築 分類當中 的相關搜尋