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共找到 1068 筆符合的資料
Peace in motion
performaer in Taiwan before she went to New York University's graduate school in 1981 to study theatrical.....more
- 1021/1068
of Dalong elementary school Dragon Gate. 1996年,台北市大同區大龍國小創校一百年,邀請亦宛然前往演出。李天祿親自上陣並負責口白。 In 1996, Dalong.....more
- 1023/1068
出的<桃花山>,是描寫趙匡胤收服桃花山三賊寇的故事。 Wei Wan Ran puppet troupe of Ju Guang elementary school was established.....more
- 1024/1068
GL_001_0024, Geshe Gendun Lodr...
in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider:Jeffrey Hopkins Tibetan GL_001_0024 .....more
- 1027/1068
GL_001_0025, Geshe Gendun Lodr...
in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider:Jeffrey Hopkins Tibetan GL_001_0025 .....more
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GL_001_0026, Geshe Gendun Lodr...
in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider:Jeffrey Hopkins Tibetan GL_001_0026 .....more
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GL_001_0023, Geshe Gendun Lodr...
in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider:Jeffrey Hopkins Tibetan GL_001_0023 .....more
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GL_001_0027, Geshe Gendun Lodr...
in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider:Jeffrey Hopkins Tibetan GL_001_0027 .....more
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KT_001_0003, Kon-chog Tsay-rin...
Hopkins Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School" Tape.....more
- 1032/1068
KT_001_0004, Kon-chog Tsay-rin...
Hopkins Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School" Tape.....more
- 1033/1068
LD_001_0003, Losang Tendzin on...
:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School.....more
- 1034/1068
LD_001_0025, Losang Tendzin on...
:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School.....more
- 1035/1068